We're comparing driving our tanks into AT guns and fausts with no support to missing a katy at 15 range? The fact that you drove into AT guns, get snared, and still just drive away is testament to the churchill's viability at a damage soak.........
Then saying an AT gun can't hit another AT gun when it's decrewed and getting flanked by a hetzer because again..... no support. Clearly my point has been usurped by quality counter arguments.
Shit yeah, the issue of my Churchill missing and bouncing and then refusing to fire at point blank range is all to do with the fact that it was unsupported.
Everyone always does this kind of shit when a video shows them something they don't like, they completely derail the point of the video, its laughable.
Churchill video shows the churchil bouncing at point blank range, then a bug, refusing to fire but of course the point you take from it has got to do with high HP and that it "wasn't supported" (it was a dive, to kill a hetzer with a Churchill, who would have thought it wouldn't work? Much like your Panther video, shit happens hence my comparison to yours)
AT gun video shows the RNG even when you make the odds the best you possibly can, and again, shit happens, but we don't all cry about it