Hello all.
I just noticed something when i did some graphical testing on coh 2.
First my 2017 rig
I7 6700k
16gb ddr4 ram
1080 ti
I suceeded in getting stable 100-110 Fps on 2560 * 1440 on very high settings with Threaded optimisation from the Nvidia control panel!
It worked like a charm!
that is until I got alot of bugsplats!

I didnt understand why. So i tweaked and tweaked , I lowered graphics I removed AA etc etc , but nothing helped.
So I think the game needs to have some kind of logical core workorder for how it process things. The game kinda needs to lag becouse of code. Not becouse of computer speed.
What is yur luck guys? how do you optimize the game? without making it look like a crappy mess from the 80`s