I play mostly OKW in 2v2 with a friend.
Here is my issues:
1. No reliable counter to a sniper early game.
2. The linear techroutes. Its like a gambling for OKW. 50% chance you choose the right path. And you need to choose quick or else you will be late in your build order.
3. No indirect fire options early game. You need to choose a techroute to get this.
4. You rely heavy on your mainline infantry early. And YOU need to put your men behind sandbags or you die. The early mg option has been removed a long time ago why? okw mg is shitty anyways.
5. P4 timing is bad even when you rush it. The timings in general is bad for okw except Stuka and Puma.
6. The King Tiger is overnerfed. The problem with this is that the balance team has removed alot of the strong points with OKW. They had weaker early game but strong lategame. Now its weaker early game and ok late game.
7. The panther is a joke. Its like the gunner is constantly drunk, and you need to press S each time it shall shoot when its a hit and run tank. Its so overnerfed that when i see people try panther rushes I always sigh...
But well some positives about OKW
1. Intresting Tanks, the Jagdpanzer is a good tank in my opinion.
2. Jagdtiger can be a beast in the right hands and with a good teammate.
3. The Flare in spec ops is VERY strong combined with elephant = VERY NICE
4. PFussies is a very good unit when upgraded. THE FLARE IS AWESOME combined with Jagd
5. Obers is obers!