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[Winter Balance Update] General Discussion

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8 Dec 2020, 11:13 AM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

Also, rather than main gun destroy at 25%, i would rather have more interesting thins like main gun locked or different injured crews which still affect the performance of the vehicle without outright killing them.

So i would had those lesser crits re introduced and appear at say 35% HP and the heavier ones (engine dmg/main gun destroy) appear at a lower HP of around 10%/15%
8 Dec 2020, 11:16 AM
avatar of cheese tonkatsu

Posts: 105

1. snipers
don't change its mp cost.
its sight has been nerfed a bit in early but its performance isn't nerfed and way of using isn't from the old. reducing it makes sniper faction can combine more units or spamming snipers.

2. infantry-based flamethrower
I understand how much you guys are having hard time to deal with soviet foward HQ. espically for okw playera due to infilation nade nerf.
But think it again. it costs 250mp and 40fuel to upgrade it. Can't that claim for just 30sec to burnt out? making it cause soviet tech fall behind. And there is a lot of ways to deal with it. mortars, flamethrower, grenade, flamethrower halftrack, atg, tanks and artilities for ost. isg, flamenade, stuka, atg, tanks for okw. and many other commader abilities to break it down. Also crashing down its edges with vehicle.
Furthermore making building to burnt down by a single flamer with 15sec can be frustration for other things. like demolition bomb or who doesn't have flamethrower.
And important building be get rekt by a single unit with only 15sec ruins its importance and doesn't give opponents to react or defense it.

3. Sandbags
You forgot adding it to a pioneer

4. All light vehis, tanks wrecks
I know sometimes vehis get stuck in wreck by stupid pathing.
But It is green cover. Making it be destroyed by lights just stamping on it is dumb. It blocks a way to use wrecks as green cover agaisnt lights. espically agaisnt puma and t70. And then why the heavy crashers should be exist?
fix the pathing or make vehis not stuck in wrecks. Or control yourself not to ram into the wrecks.
Removing or changing system cuz you don't like isn't good solution.

5. Hq/bunker medic
Don't give it aura healing. Fix the pathing problem. or make infantries not stuck in Hq.
ukf have to upgrade medis for each, usf have to make ambulance with250mp/10fuel for aura healing.

6.forward assmbly and glider.
shouldn't 88 and 105, 152 be correctly appear in the FOV, too?
8 Dec 2020, 13:34 PM
avatar of Pip

Posts: 1594

Personally I would not be sad to see vehicle crits gone entirely. They really don't add anything to the game, I really dislike random chance. Sometimes it is an "unavoidable" part of design (accuracy, penetration), but for things like plane crashes and vehicle crits it really just adds frustration.

At the VERY least i wish they'd get rid of garbage like random Main Gun Crits.
8 Dec 2020, 19:14 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

Something to be looked at:

The Stuka rockets of the faurstum off map should be checked for penetration values.

If the PTRS ready time is reduced the change should probably apply to all AT rifles including Conscripts/Guards PTRS/Boy and hopefully Panzebuchen
9 Dec 2020, 23:18 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

QOL chances:
PLS move "all out war" icons, "Mobilize Reserves" (maybe "hammer", "anvil") icons to HQ similar to battle phases.

PLS change the weapon profile of AAHT AA mode so that gun is slightly elevated and the unit's turret can do a 360 turn without having to rotate the vehicle. AA performance will become more consistent although it might need to toned down a little.
10 Dec 2020, 04:06 AM
avatar of mrgame2

Posts: 1794

seems the new version have power creep

su76 needs range decrease from 60 to 55 with it new speed and mobility

command bunker can be upgraded twice or pay once for both? neither is necessary

3 ptrs will kill ost lv phase and zone out luch

why IS needs lee upgrade? seems an automatic choice with its buff.

churchill rear armor nerf make sense, but extra vickers? what for..
10 Dec 2020, 08:36 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17908 | Subs: 8

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Dec 2020, 04:06 AMmrgame2
seems the new version have power creep

You don't know what you're talking about, as usual and let me help you with that.

su76 needs range decrease from 60 to 55 with it new speed and mobility

No, it doesn't.
Its the only TD that didn't had mobility/survivability related vet.
It was brought up in line with others.

command bunker can be upgraded twice or pay once for both? neither is necessary

That I agree with, allowing both isn't going to encourage med outside of base or command at all.

3 ptrs will kill ost lv phase and zone out luch

2 PTRS already do that.

why IS needs lee upgrade? seems an automatic choice with its buff.

That's a downgrade. It takes upgrade slot AND weapon slot.
Its a MASSIVE downgrade.

churchill rear armor nerf make sense, but extra vickers? what for..

Because its AI isn't good enough.
10 Dec 2020, 08:58 AM
avatar of f1nggy

Posts: 3

Because then they would likely often start reloading at a bad timing out of the player's control, which would lead to frustration, and it would be abusable by someone who learns the reload timings (trigger a burst, walk away, wait x seconds for the reload to start and come back while the unit is reloading).

NO need for a reload animation, when a clip based unit has been out of combat for a specific time The belt is automatically replenished.
Reloading during combat tho should work as normal with animation.
I dont think The Joy of this game is based on ultra relastic ammobelt and reloading simulations 😀
10 Dec 2020, 11:35 AM
avatar of Letzte Bataillon

Posts: 195

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Dec 2020, 08:58 AMf1nggy

NO need for a reload animation, when a clip based unit has been out of combat for a specific time The belt is automatically replenished.
Reloading during combat tho should work as normal with animation.
I dont think The Joy of this game is based on ultra relastic ammobelt and reloading simulations 😀

This is an interesting topic. To be honest I too think that manual reloading introduces more of the bad kind of micro, but on the other hand I understand the team's reasoning.

As the game is made right now "Forced Reloading" is a good solution to the aforementioned concerns.

It would be nice if there was a toggle between automatic reload based on an interval and manual reload, in addition to the automatic reload when the magazines are empty, but this seems like over-engineering a very niche aspect of the already very complex CoH2.
10 Dec 2020, 20:01 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

The following change will make trenches easier to siege with non-indirect fire weapons and give players an option to destroy them during combat.
- Target size from 2 to 17; target size no longer changes when garrisoned or ungarrisoned

Imo this change is a step in the wrong direction. It will simply make ATG a valid counter vs trenches making mortars even less useful.

Trenches (and Tank traps) need some more attention and better desing that could include:
a cost
password protection
ability to be captured
ability to be dismantled

(tank traps could use thing like:
smaller target size
durability vs ballistic weapons or armor/hp
yellow cover
increased build time
able to be dismantled...)
11 Dec 2020, 01:04 AM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Dec 2020, 20:01 PMVipper
The following change will make trenches easier to siege with non-indirect fire weapons and give players an option to destroy them during combat.
- Target size from 2 to 17; target size no longer changes when garrisoned or ungarrisoned

Imo this change is a step in the wrong direction. It will simply make ATG a valid counter vs trenches making mortars even less useful.

I agree with this bit. I feel like emplacements and trenches should be tankier against AP weapons and weaker to HE weapons. A high velocity chunk of metal won't do as much damage to a dirt wall as a big explosion.
11 Dec 2020, 02:44 AM
avatar of Grumpy

Posts: 1954

I agree with this bit. I feel like emplacements and trenches should be tankier against AP weapons and weaker to HE weapons. A high velocity chunk of metal won't do as much damage to a dirt wall as a big explosion.

This change makes trenches worthless once the first TD (which now stands for Trench Destroyer) hits the field. It seems like another really odd change like nerfing the ISU. There haven't really been any threads about trenches in the balance section since the invisible UKF-only shields were demolished.
11 Dec 2020, 05:00 AM
avatar of TickTack

Posts: 578

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Dec 2020, 20:01 PMVipper

Trenches (and Tank traps) need some more attention and better desing that could include:
a cost
password protection

Knock 3 times to enter the tank trap, kinda thing.

Pour le resistance, hey
11 Dec 2020, 06:17 AM
avatar of EtherealDragon

Posts: 1890 | Subs: 1

It seems like the healing on open top halftracks kicks in WAY too fast once they leave combat. Not sure if this is a bug or needs nerfed- either way it's way too easy to keep troops in the halftrack at full health while doing drive bys/bazooka bus type things IMO. It might make sense to just design them like the OKW opel truck and force them to briefly deploy like an Ambulance. It makes it less of a no-micro no-brainer and actually adds some risk to it. Less importantly it makes sense that you'd have to stop to patch up wounds and not try to do it in the back of a moving halftrack lol
11 Dec 2020, 11:28 AM
avatar of Dharx

Posts: 83

The attack ground on AT rifles is a good addition, could that be also applied to Boys AT rifles? Also the models of Boys on AT Tommies have currently bugged magazines (but Sniper is fine). Just a visual bug, but could be fixed easily I assume since Sniper has its model correct.

Another minor nitpick, could the position of the two forward squad members in MG squads be moved back a bit? Right now they stand inside the firing arc of the MGs, which looks/feels weird. I assume incoming squads will still fire on the closest models no matter their distance from the main gun, so putting them so much forward seems unnecessary. If you want to maintain the spread, they can just be moved a bit more to the side to compensate.
11 Dec 2020, 13:58 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

HQ/Bunker Medics
The following change should relieve some of the issues when there are too many models in the base which blocks the path of medics.
- Now have a healing aura that heals 7.5% of an infantry models health per second in an area of 5; does not stack on itself.

Fixing the bug that makes the medic get stuck without healing is a good for sure.

On the other hand a faster healing via AOE for medics is actually a balance change that one should be careful with since it does not effect all faction the same.

Faction using squad with large numbers of entities will benefit the most while forcing retreat will be less decisive since the troops will return faster.

Faction with not access to medic like USF will be at disadvantage.

I would advice against the faster healing. Allow the AOE heal to fix the bug but reduce the healing speed to keep the average healing speed about the same.
11 Dec 2020, 14:50 PM
avatar of zerocoh

Posts: 930

dunno if you guys already did it, but pls fix the hotkeys on the abilities that you get on the forward assembly when you upgrade it with the commander ability.

also, for some reason you can't upgrade it if you choose medics upgrade, I believe this is a bug as well
12 Dec 2020, 12:49 PM
avatar of mongman

Posts: 27

I haven't seen anyone talk about this yet but with the nerfs to stuka damage to emplacements, the ability to build bofors with AEC and the long range barrage and cheaper mortar pit buffs could this promote another batch of sim city cancer?
12 Dec 2020, 12:56 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17908 | Subs: 8

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Dec 2020, 12:49 PMmongman
I haven't seen anyone talk about this yet but with the nerfs to stuka damage to emplacements, the ability to build bofors with AEC and the long range barrage and cheaper mortar pit buffs could this promote another batch of sim city cancer?

Not really, because stuka was BUFFED vs emplacements and emplacements are already ridiculously easy to counter by both axis factions to the point where they are barely usable outside of advanced emplacements doctrine.
12 Dec 2020, 13:09 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post12 Dec 2020, 12:49 PMmongman
I haven't seen anyone talk about this yet but with the nerfs to stuka damage to emplacements, the ability to build bofors with AEC and the long range barrage and cheaper mortar pit buffs could this promote another batch of sim city cancer?

yes it will probably will make advance emplacement commander stronger.
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