Why is FHT not working for you? They do not have hard counter to it until T-70 - which is rare in team games.
Given that you dont eat up AT nades all the time )
I never was fond of shocks, but this patch make me happy... giving the germys a taste of elite infantry that melts your like butter just tickles me
It's 2v2, every decent soviet team will have all tiers and both shocks and guards.
One going conscripts+shocks into t2 and the other guards+sniper clown cars and there's not much you can do since both guards and shocks will be out before you get t2 up.
All I can suggest is to play definsively, make good use of cover until you can get some t3 vehicles out. Sniper would be the must go bu they are buggy and need a ton of micro to avoid m3s, mortars and countersnipe.