Meanwhile Railway Artillery has pretty close to 100% friendly fire damage lol.
Any chance we can get all the friendly fire in the game normalised with the upcoming commander patch? I expect the prevailing wish would be to have them all normalised around one of the lower percentage values, though personally I'd prefer friendly fire for offmaps at least to be 100% to discourage broken arrowing your own guys, I'm not sure if this is something the Balans team would want to ever do. (Or even just your own personal troops, I expect being able to bomb your allies for 100% damage is far too abusable.)
Unrelated, but is there any chance for allied and enemy offmap calldown flares to have differing colours? It doesn't matter for (sight blocking)smoke, but if Allied and Enemy offmaps do different damage to your own troops, I imagine random teamgame players would like if your allies' offensive calldown flares were, say, blue. I imagine there's a lot of confusion when a player launches artillery on a position, only for his ally to hard retreat due to thinking it was the enemy's calldown.
Is this at all possible, or are calldown flares hardcoded somehow/not subject to team tints?