Was not meant for shaming the ranks or anything, it was just to prove my statement that he doesn't play USF.
Shaming ranks or winrates in unranked mode in a brand new game that I don't consider myself an expert in at all yet is even below my standards 
thx for your understanding aera, as I say we're a small community I look up to you and I know others have as well. I point it out 'cos I know you're bigger than that |
Extremely weird because as DAK I always push back pathfinder + sniper players back to their base after 4min with double pgren(or bersa) and flamethrower-250 in 2v2+. Then stall out the M16 for few mins with AT nades and Panzerjäger and completely push the opponent off the map again with rushed 8-Rad. Are you sure we're playing the same game?
And considering you've played a grand total of one USF game so far in CoH3, this sounds like serious balance cope and blame to me
"I did nothing wrong bro trust me. I'm an excellent DAK player and if I lose, it's because the game is unbalanced"
glad someone else is saying this, thought I was going crazy, out of all the weird one-trick-pony strategies I feel like this is weakest one I've seen thus far; especially since USF has soooo many strengths.
player card shaming is a bit much tho aera, we've all been around ages.
pagep, you're a g. thank you so much. |
Assault gren
Assault gren
Pak 38 call in
What do you do against a 4 minute Quad 50?
Thread: Jaegers12 Mar 2023, 18:06 PM
There is no reason to ever get close to AT squad, that 300 close is irrelevant unless you are ambushed.
I think you'll agree tho that for 20 years now the Shrek outclasses the Zook in every respect and there's no requirement lol. |
Thread: Jaegers12 Mar 2023, 18:04 PM
Jagers might be a bit overtuned right now, but sadly, they are the only decent "Elite infantry" that Wher has, Grenadiers don't scale well into late game and the other "Elites" are underperforming for their cost. If they nerf them they need ot buff some other infantry or make the Grenadier refit ability more affordable.
It's an odd one the more I think about it. I feel the Wehr need to crutch on them to push back the Quad.50/Stuart since the Marder isn't playable. Maybe the StuG's mounted 42 needs to be better as well. Wehr players aren't really incentized to use the other options like Falls. |
They definitely deserved the nerf. A lot more difficult to fit in now, but god are they fun to use against the right sort of short-range opponent. Just walking around eating about two enemy squads alive before they have to retreat.
Yeah absolutely, they have so much character as a unit too; stumbling around in their great coats, the reverb of the voice lines through the rebreather, serious props to the designers, animators and actors. |
I like double PzGren openings but I'll echo Garrett's point, they're vulnerable to snipers, so perhaps leave that for against the Desert Rats. To that end, the Assault Grenadier battlegroup is an -OK- sniper counter, but arrives fairly late, and can be easily countered by screening Bazooka teams or ABZooks. ALSO If the US Player streamlines their build there's a good 3-4 minute window where you're vulnerable AND you lose the Panzer Jager squad which is the only thing that can bridge the gap until an 8Rad.
It's rough out there for DAK in duels.
I see the Bersaglieri spammed in conjunction with the Spaghetti Tank often, Guasto's are fun but arrive late and are susecptible to the above, perhaps even to a worse degree.
In the tests I was going:
Combat Half-tracks
-> Upgrade 250's to MortarHT
Fire Support Elements
Healing Opel
Not sure that works anymore.
Whatever you decide on I think it needs to involve getting an 8 Rad out ASAP. |
good to see you again Maj  |
Thread: Jaegers9 Mar 2023, 04:32 AM
The Jaeger Light Winfantry are back and better than ever now with shrecks!
Anyone worked a reasonable counter? My mad-minute US Sniper hit a mine, so that sucked, but maybe that OP unit is workable, any other ideas? |