That's not even wishful thinking, that's a meth overdose dream.
What do you do with 7 doctrines with guards?
What about shocks+guards?
What kind of power level these new penals should have if they are supposed to be alternative to cons, but but coming at the same time as cons?
What role should they have, because you've just described "cons but not cons, because they have different name now" which already is vippers wet dream.
Ideally they'd be an "AT guard" variant, rather than being a direct copy of the doctrinal guards. Alternatively: The doctrines could be changed to not include Guards, but either have an upgrade for the nondoc guards to make them more potent, or have some other abilities instead.
I'm not sure. Guards + Shocks would likely be a cause for concern, though it's likely this could be balanced.
I've made suggestions before as to what Penals might look like if they were changed. Though they could well stay (almost) as they are if they ended up in tier 0. They're already rather expensive, and slow to produce, coupling with the inherent cost of Tier 1.
Soviets do not need stock Guards.
If there is even the need for an AT squad, that should be separate "new" unit specifically designed as an AT unit with little AI.
I'd prefer an "AT Guards" squad to them being purely a copy of the existing doctrinal guards. Button should be retained, though this is currently tied to the DP-28.