I doubt though that this will really solve the T1 issue of Soviets. The main problem in my eyes is that T1 is a cheesy building, and going for it means you neglect the "standard" play style of support weapons. And Since ATGs, MGs and mortars are needed in this game, this in turn means Penals need to fill the gaps for everything by either replacing it or making up for it.
I assume that turning down the early power of Penals would just hit T1 even harder, since it now loses everything it has going for it. When should be upgrade be unlocked? Instantly? I assume most would then go for it anyway. At T3? How do T1 builds then deal with earlier upgrades of Axis factions?
Don't get me wrong, I think weapon upgrades for Penals can be part of a redesign, but the issues lie elsewhere.
No one really builds Obersoldaten at the moment unless you can upgrade them. If it weren't for the IR StGs and the concept that all weapon upgrades should cost ammo, they could just come at a higher price with MG34s already unlocked. For the current meta, it would make no real difference. And in the most recent changes they actually go back to the 'old' design, they just come slightly earlier.
Obers are a very different topic though. They are elite AI squads that are can be backed up by support weapons and are supposed to come at a time when Allied infantry is already vetted. There is no need to balance them for all phases of the game, since they join only for the mid game onwards anyway. Penals though need to bridge the whole gap.
Soviets as a whole just suffer from being a poorly designed faction, it seems. The tech structure needs reworking at bare minimum.
I agree that my post was somewhat of an oversimplification.