the reality was that there were not nearly enough to go around, so most Volksgrenadiers were issued MP 40's instead.
Volksgrenadiers were never issued mp40 in place of stg44.
Volksgrenadiers generally fought very well, the big difference being in a lack of officers in volksgrenadier divisions, not in quality of recruits, and the fact that 1 or 2 of every 3 squads were equipped with stg44 instead of kar98.
TO&E of a volksgrenadier company
2 assault platoons, with:
- 2 assault squads x8 stg44
- 1 fire group, with x5 stg44 and x3mg42
1 rife platoon wit:
- 3 rifle squads with x1 mp40 x6 k98 x1 mg42
if you want a unit that was equipped with mp40 in the whermacht, Jaegers shoud be the ones depicted using them, as all jager divisions had the following to&e for their infantry:
7 mp40, 2 k98 (ammo bearer/rifle grenadier) and a mg42/34
Some jager divisions were issued stg44 for trials
regualr grenadiers were armed with x1 mp40, x7k98 and x1 mg42
Panzergrenadiers were equipped as follows:
x1 mp40, x7 k98, x2 mg42
They were never issued stg44s, the exception being a few hundred issued to 2. panzer division for trials.
German engineers were separated into assault pioneers and pioneers
assault pioneers used flamethrowers
pioneers used x1 mp40 x8 k98 x1 mg42. they construced defenses and cleared mines. they were often ued as combat troops
Soviet infantry
Soviet divisions featured a large number of smg troops by 1944, at a ratio of 2 rifle squads : 1 smg squad
Squads often attempted to aquire more DP machine guns to increase their firepower
Soviet motorized infantry used the same to&e as regular infantry, though additional SMG armed tankodesantniki (lit. tank riders) platoons were attached to tank brigades
Soviet engineers
Soviet sappers performed both construction and used flamethrowers
US infantry
Infantry in rifle divisions was initialy equipped with garands and x1 BAR. squads often aquired a second BAR and a sub machine gun later in the war.
Rangers and Paratroopers used the M1919A1 LMG in lieu of the BAR for additional firepower
US armoured riflemen used a different to&e, similar to the volksgrenadiers in concept.
Each platoon had 3 rifle squads armed with garands and a bazooka, and 1 fire group with 2 M1919A1 LMGs. Later, the rifle squads often picked up BARs to increase their firepower.
US engineers were armed with rifles.
They also had access to flamethrowers. some infantry from regular rifle squads were trained to use flamethrowers as well.
British infantry
Infantry sections were armed with x1 sten, x8 lee enfields, and x1 Bren. squads often aqiured a second Bren for additional firepower
The british used the same to&e for their motorized infantry
British had field engineers and assault engineers.
field engineers were armed with rifles only, and rarely were used in combat.
assault engineers used flamethrowers.
The majority of flamethrower support was intended to come from the 6 wasp flamethrower organic to each infntry battalion