Don't risk your tanks. Don't dive. Whenever you see Firefly have tulip in mind.
Yes, it's that simple.
On the side note, I won't mind if they'll take tulip away and buff the main gun instead.
Yeah I'd take a better gun than stun rockets any day. |
Tested on CheatMod,
The new tulip now blocks vision & stuns the tank upon impact.
Your tank cannot move (it will STOP if it is already moving), cannot see or return fire during stun duration.
Basically, Sitting duck.
Seriously lelic? "Quality of life"? A stun ability without counter-play? Why did you remove StuG stun in the first place then?
Because the StuG's ability doesn't require a 60 ammo upgrade and 100 ammo per use, the materials are already in the game so they decided to keep it, nerf it a bit and buff the main gun. |
Still praying for 5x mp40 upgrade for volks just like in vcoh 
I already mentioned this, and it was 4x MP40s in CoH, since one of the models, presumably their NCO/Squad leader, had an StG 44. |
The only problems I see with the OKW is their MG34 is not T0 because of bullshit reasons and that Sturmpioneers get wiped quite often due to them having to now be the frontline AT infantry and engineers of the OKW, altho I really don't have a problem with having 2 or 3 Sturmpioneers, all upgraded with shrecks, 1 or 2 being on the front while one back at the mech HQ repairing any damaged tanks along with the repair pioneers. So we get this Wehr sort of problem of having 4 man mainline infantry squad and low survivability amongst them, so yeah, having a new 5 man Panzerjaeger squad wouldn't be too bad if you ask me.
Speaking of repair pioneers, I think the side tech upgrades need to be adjusted in price, ammo seems a bit better than the current 100 manpower/15 fuel per upgrade, for the medic truck you need to invest another additional 400/15 man power and fuel in order to make it full functional, meaning once the enemy finds it your investment is basically down the sink, that is, if they can get some heavy arty or tanks on it, can putting it right behind shotblockers sometimes traps reinforced infantry behind it.
Also I think someone mentioned they had problems assaulting garrisons much like the UKF, so I was wondering if the USF got a mortar now, shouldn't the OKW and UKF get one as well, at first as an experiment, or giving the Leig smoke might help, Idk, just something I think I read somewhere but I don't remember quite well. |
Just waiting for someone to tell him to use Pumas more often lol |
All of this just sounds like a personal problem, I wouldnt blame the game or other people.
The Volk change is just my opinon.
The Grenadier one is one such opinion of part of the community which I support, due to them being a 4 man mainline infantry squad they get wiped quite often, probably due to both their formations, when in cover and being a 4 man squad in general, as are the Panzergrenadiers and Sturmpioneers, Idk maybe using the Sturmpioneers opened my eyes about these squads' low survivability due to their numbers, I'm absolutely 100% sure I didn't have to replace volks as much as I have to replace Sturmpioneers now due to them having to get wiped as often. But of course OKW has an easy way out of the situation with using the Raketen which can be garrisoned, retreated and even camoed unlike any other AT gun in the game, Wehr doesn't, PaKs will always be slower and have a higher chance to be wiped by other infantry units compared to Panzergrenadiers and cannot be retreated.
As for the cover, I mean, why shouldn't ALL infantry units be able to fill and stack sandbags, ALL Wehr infantry even have voice lines for sandbags.
The removal of the MG34 requirement is my own personal opinion for now as well but considering the patch hasn't been out long enough to piss and frustrate enough people like myself, I think you'll be seeing more of it soon. |
What I propose is the Volks get a remake of their old selves. NCO/Squad leader gets an StG 44 by default, squad gets a close combat package of 4 MP40s, you want long range firepower? No problem, don't upgrade, you want medium such? You got MP40s, an LMG34, the not-shoot on the move one of the Obers is also an option but a lot of people would probably cry about it.
Grens get a 5th model, and sandbags, as should all infantry units if you ask me, buildable cover should be an option for everyone like it was in CoH, not just Volks, Infantry Sections, Rifles with those 2 doctrines and now Wehr's pioneers.
If not then a simple removable of the MG34's requirement of needing another HQ truck on the fucking field would also make sense... as would the removal of the mortar pit as an emplacement which would be made into a defensive position that can garrison mortars instead, and a mobile 3-inch mortar team being added to the Brit tier 1.
For the record, I'm neither an OKW/Axis fanboy or an Allied/Brit one, I like both, I play both, I try to be as unbiased and neutral as possible, people thinking they know how the game would play out if these changes were to be implemented just because they're high level doesn't mean shit, they're players, just simple users, modders know what's up, they are the real people who know how to balance the game properly, this "community" patch sorta proves that as it was made with migerafal (sorry again dude can't spell your name for shite)'s help and that of his mod.
No I don't care if this is the balance section and I haven't played competitive or ranked or whatever, I'm still a player of this game for which I've paid and also a modder, and until Relic abandon support for the game like CoH and cease to update it and therefore break pretty much all of the mods, it's pointless making and updating them after every patch, at least for me, I just don't the time but I still would like to come back at some point and play the damn game for which I've paid for without feeling frustrated by bullshit logic.
Looking at you Katikof. |
Jawohl mein kommandant, Soviet music good for ears, in Soviet Russia, music play you. |
>bug free
pick one. |