So I don't get it, if you lose a game you get just 1500 points and that's fucking you up until you lose 3 more times to even it out, since those 500 points are needed for that one war spoils and it's just so frustrating, I lost a game due to a bad teammate not doing his job by securing the flank, leaves, and we get fucked over, effectively losing the game after 30 mins of time wasting.
And the other thing is, the stupid prices on skins, I'm still losing those 50 points to buy stuff.
What I mean to say to say is that I think the prices should be further adjusted so it's not so frustrating to lose a game or buy something, if you have 5500 points for a drop you need to play ANOTHER game for the drop, and if you have 14950 loot points you need ANOTHER duplicate made into loot points in order to get a new commander for example, the system is fine, altho I would much rather prefer we actually trade commanders through Steam, but the prices still need further adjusting in order to not be so frustrating.
Also, this bullshit:
Edit: I bought a skin and didn't really think it would be so frustrating afterwards with the loot points.