may i ask why you (and Others) see the raketen as an inferior atg? for me it is in line with other atgs and in many cases thanks to the invisibilty and ability to retreat it can do things you can't do with other factions.
Because I've been playing with the OKW since they were first released and I experienced first hand the raketen's brilliant yet faulty design.
If you go around the forums or just search for "raketen" you will find many mentions of it's bug caused by it being "too low to the ground" so to speak, as in the rocket often hits the ground instead of the intended target because of the model and where the shell spawns at.
Nobody is doubting it's ability to cloak, retreat or garrison, I even suggested the same abilities (or mostly) be given to the Soviet M42 to make it more useful.
So that's more or less why you will find that people simply want a proper normal AT gun like the Pak 40, or a new, Pak 38.