Hi guys,
i just want to explain a further idea for a new OKW-commander, the "Kampfgruppen commander"/"Battle group commander".
Some general information:
Kampfgruppen were by definition task-organized for specific missions and consisted of
ad hoc combined arms formations. Kampfgruppen were often referred to by either their commanding officer's name or the parent division.
Please give me some feedback if you would like this theme and how you would design such an commander! EVERY IDEA is welcome, for example a "Kampfgruppen commander unit" (Sturm officer model reworked as combat unit, 3 CP).
This sounds interesting as a concept.
The Kampfgruppes that come to my mind are Kampfgruppe Lehr (based on the Panzer Elite from CoH) and Kampfgruppe Peiper, both of which would be mechanized in my eyes, with Kampfgruppe Lehr being fully mechanized while Peiper would be only partially since if we're going by historical account, they lacked fuel during their Ardennes Offensive.
I also had an idea of a Fallschirm-Panzer Division based on the "1st Fallschirm-Panzer Division Hermann Göring" which recently stumbled on and am currently reading about, it's quite interesting as a concept as well.
So for Kampfgruppe Lehr I would imagine:
221/223 Scout Car, like the one introduced in Elite Armor now.
250/1 Infantry Halftrack with Panzergrenadiers who can only repair vehicles.
250/7 Mortar Halftrack, provides mobile indirect fire.
251 Halftrack, can be upgraded to Flammenwerfers, Pioneer repair vehicle and Ammo Carrier/Ambulance, will mostly be used as a utility vehicle to replace the OKW's static HQ trucks.
Command King Tiger, has an officer at all times surveying the battlefield with binoculars (and a map in front of him maybe?), additional radios hampers it's reload speed and accuracy, can call in an Artillery strike (same as the Elite Armor Panzer commander upgrade) and gives out a boosting aura around it similar to other command vehicles.
For Kampfgruppe Peiper:
221/223 again, I just love this vehicle.
250 Halftrack with Obersoldaten instead of Panzergrenadiers.
Assault Artillery (from Breakthrough doctrine).
Command Panther? I have no idea really what to put as a late game addition.
Kampfgruppe "Göring":
Fallschirmjagers of course, the poster boys of the doctrine.
221/223, I know it's getting repetitive at this point.
Luftwaffe Supply Drop
Luftwaffe JU-87 Strafing support (Anti-infantry and anti-armor ability basically).
Either Command Panther or Panzer Commander, I really don't know what else to put here, I've basically used up all "Armor" themed units and abilities, unless a Tiger is used somewhere instead or something.
I'm mostly using ideas from Elite Armor, Breakthrough and Special Operations, as well as the Luftwaffe Ground Forces doctrine of course since those seem to have whatever Armor units and abilities the OKW has in terms of commanders.