I am not going to explain the benefit of crew repair on thread about the M36.
I'm not even sure why you replied to tell me that you're not replying to me.
If in you opinion, the M36 as suggested by Firesparks is better solution then the current live one, I would suggested you make it clear and push for the change.
I wasn't even quoting you, or even quoting Firesparks. Thanks for underlining part a sentence (?) in my post, and taking it completely out of context to unproductively argue schematics.
But in any case, I'll be playing your game by telling you that I'm not replying to you either; I'm not going to tell you
that USF vehicle & repair crews are not always beneficial and that these crew still require some micro, and they can get wiped easily especially when the player controlling the crews is busy elsewhere. I've underlined bits of it too.