I have made suggestion many time including in this thread. You simply make me repeat them.
If one want to increase the performance of conscript in late game one should offer global upgrades in all building giving the player choice either to invest on conscripts or redirect resources elsewhere.
Another approach would be to redesign both Penals and conscripts into an cheap offensive squad and defensive one, leaving room for both to operate.
Yet another would be to have conscript work as stop gap and a utility unity until Soviet get access to more powerful later (by moving stock elite units to T3 Guards?) or doctrinal units.
In addition any changes to "weapon profiles" should apply to all weapons of the same, type bolt action near range should be 0 or 10 or 15 for all them.
Please do repeat them, as myself and others seem to fail to understand what you exactly want. You merely seem to repeat that "conscripts OP!! ZOMG" with simply more obfuscate wording. What about we play a game together and post a few replays here? I've sent you my steam over PM!