isn´t the panther the TD with better AI capabilities in this game???? and then, why panther need AI buffed??? why not buffing Jackson, SU-85 and JP4 to panther AI capabilities level???
Having t1 lets you get snipers as well, or even a scout car.
I usually do T1 + t2
yeah, but what australian magic was saying was that penals cannot become mainline infantery...and you answered that mixing one penal with 2-3 cons do wonders....
Thus, no one is going to tech to t1 to get just one penal squad...people is not using t1 as its delays getting AT platfoms, so if you are not going to get more than 1 penal squad is not justified that risk in my noob opinion...
if you planned to get snipers or m3, then, ok, mixing one penals with you mainline infantery is a great idea, get a great close quarter squad, you get satchel charge and even a way to clear garrisons that you won´t get if you don´t tech to T1....but if not, then, teching to T1 to complement your cons with just one squad don´t seems to be worth....I´m noob, I can be wrong and surely I´m wrong...just my opinion.
Anyway, do you think T1+T2+T34-76 span is a vialbe tactic againts pro players??? just asking, maybe I should try (at my noob level  ) |
You should try mixing just 1 penal into 2-3 conscripts. No reason to go exclusively penals, but having it there to complement them works well imo. I find it's worth having one on the field just because of how great they are in close range, they make an excellent flanking squad, especially once they get oorah. Makes a big difference in early to mid game fights. Satchel charges are amazing too.
It's like pgrens. They're shock troops, you don't really want them to be your exclusive infantry but having one or two is great.
Put penals in t2, same tier as zis gun, and then, you will see how people field one or two penals same as Ostheer players field one or two pgreens...
Teching to t1 just to get "one" penal squad is not worth at all in my nooob opinion.... |
I mostly wanted to show the intention. Thus, I picked the numbers almost a bit at random. If I wanted to refine my idea it would be:
- Find the right cost that makes T34's cost efficient for the late-game
- Trade some MP off for Fuel (using the standard conversion ratio or whatever)
I am guessing that you're implying that 210 MP 90 FU would be a price that is better attuned to that goal?
Most T4 units in other factions are and remain relevant until the very end of the game (except for Brummbar which is non-meta). So, I thought "Since T-34 comes late anyway, hey, let's put something in there to keep it relevant until the very end at least.".
From my limited experience playing with Soviets (and watching other people play Soviets), I usually become more and more MP starved the longer the game drags on. And thus, regardless of how good of a map control I've exercised in the match up to that point, I never find myself able to use up fuel that I have accumulated.
Other factions that are strong late-game have mechanisms to burn off excess fuel, using a similar pricing scheme for their T4 units:
- OST: Panthers
- UKF: Comet (and Churchill, to a smaller degree)
- OKW: Specialist Super heavies, P4, Panthers
By attaching a Fuel-to-MP conversion gimmick to T-34, the Soviet player will almost always have something to build on all situations.
1. Low on manpower? Throw a T-34 into the mix.
2. Low on fuel? Go for a support gun, engineers, infantry (whatever is needed)
3. Resource situation is ok? Buy/save for a specialist unit.
Options 2 & 3 basically mean "Play Soviets as you currently play Soviets" (because most people aren't building T-34's anyway). Option 1 adds a new avenue that will probably help us see more of that tank.
(The whole idea of trading Fuel for MP will become obsolete/have to be rethought if something changes to Soviet unit scalability that will allow them to bleed less to begin with).
shouldn´t be better tu put t34-76 in the tier where other mediums are??? t34-76 is a t3 unit in my opinion, so put there, adjust price if needed and then, it should be fixed.
if SU is a mp starved faction and it cannot use his fuel as other factions that don´t have this problem in the late game, then nerfing other SU units by increasing his price (maxim) doesn´t seem a very clever thing to do.
Maybe problem is not in the late game, but in other areas....
In my noob opinion, rising fuel price is not going to make people start spamming t34s, as in my opinion, SU player don´t want to field a medium that came late, and that is worse than other mediums....that is the problem. Give to t34 the cromwell stats or put in t3, and then, gonna see if t34 start to being fielded again.....
as far as I remember, putting this unit in t4 was the point since then nobody field this unit....
Well the problem was with the AEC in the past that it was able to go blow to blow with the puma and still have more AI the then the t-70. it was kind of op as fuck.
I already know that. Thanks anyway.I suffered it, same as you. |
nice Iron Emperor, as we have dealt with fucking early AEC, now it is fine that we have to deal with early luch, great reasoning here man.
not saying OP is right, though... |
I've literally posted replays where I do that. I regularly use them.
Long time waiting for replays featuring t34-76 to good use....
Have you some more replays using t34-76 againts top players???? |
mate, post a replay of one of your loses againts OKW and surely, some guys here can help yo to find where did you went wrong, where are the problems in your build order and so on....
it is really the best thing you can do if you care about this game....
USF is not going to get snipers, USF is not going to get flamers as non-doc units....we just have to deal with it.
it could be great having those tools in the USF arsenal, but that´s not going to happen....
post a replay of your last game againts OKW and you´ll see how others in this community can help you to enjoy a bit more this game.
help me with that, ostwind? doenst suppress
btw SU has the QUAD for 360° suppression
yep, I think you are right...I though ostwing has supression capabilities....
and in addition I´ve missed that SU Quad...more argument to don´t say not to include a new 360º supression platform IMHO.
Sorry for the error, my fault (I missed too those pesky vet4 obers btw, so that maxim wouldn´t be the only 360º inf based platform).
Again, not saying this 360 supression thing on maxim is a good idea...I think getting closer to others mg is a better aproach, I mean giving it better defensive capabilities...that way, maxim as mainline infantery couldn´t be viable and SU could get a great crowd control tool as other factions have. |
I meant inf based 360 platform
well, then, UKF is the only one with 360º supression emplacement
and SU the only one with 360º suppression infantery
and OST the only one with 360º supression armor
why SU is not good, but others are?????
not saying I like that idea...but your argument..... |