See French mutinies in WW1 and French surrender in WW2 for guidance on how all true Frenchmen win their war!
Don't take it personally, but it's a fact when you compare them with any other Warrior Nations. You need to grow a thicker skin. Frenchmen are used to smearing campaigns and stupid surrender jokes.
But well anglo-saxons are blindly jingoistic these days.
Yet when it comes to withstanding long deadly conflicts in our homelands, Russians, French, Germans and Eastern europeans have nothing to prove in that department, Anglo saxons don't know what it is to lose millions and keep fighting against overwhelming odds. The USA has never fought any respectable war on its soil besides their singular Civil War, but it's a lot different when you are getting invaded by foreigners (Often by coalitions)while your lands are razed and your population exposed to all sorts of cruelty. Neither has Australia nor New Zealand. The British are actually the ones that show the most grit as they have fought several civil wars and fended off a few invasions, but nowhere close to the grit of Eurasians (We lack islands and huge oceans to cower behind).
I mostly agree with you on the rest. But I don't see it ending on a resounding USA + Allies victory, it could be a pyrrhic one at best.
I wonder how would atomic bomber runs would fare against an enemy with an actual air force and good ground anti-air unlike the crippled and exhausted japanese of 1945? They would surely require a huge number fighter escorts squadrons, and those had terrible ferry range. A bomber on it's own is a sitting duck.