Yes, this is all speculation, but sill.
This "supply" feature is a textbook description of the "white elephant" concept. Siamese kings "gifted" an elephant to their courtiers who had rendered themselves obnoxious in order to ruin the recipient by the cost of its maintenance.
I have no issue with relic making money, as long as they don't take us for bloody idiots and rip us off. I will buy skins and decals but if they are permanent.
I side with Ipkaifung & Inverse on this feature. I really don't like it at all, it reeks.
Yet I could not care less for cosmetic items, if this system is implemented I just would not use the supply mechanic and ignore the degradable cosmetic decals and skins. I already disregard warspoils, if a sincerely want/need a commander, I'll buy it.
However, what truly aggravates me is this scoop on custom commanders! What a bloody stroke genius Relic! Let players create their own commanders, surely this will not aggravate the already appalling balance issues the game is plagued with. Someone will come up with the best custom commander and everyone will abuse use that "build". Here I want a commander with vehicle smoke canisters, recon run, transfer munitions to fuel, stuka bombing run and Tiger Ace.
No wonder Peter Qumsieh jumped ship. Smart fellow, I pity the fool who becomes the next balance designer at Relic. 4 factions to balance, plus, give or take, 100 commander combinations per faction to balance. In what world is that going to work.
The issue I take with Relic is that they don't really know what kind of game they want to service, and that's the reason Company of Heroes 2 is not living to it's full potential, which is huge by the way.
I play CoH 2 because I'm into RTSs. And frankly there are not a lot out there. Then Relic puts a levelling system into CoH 2, then a loot system, and now it seems they are aiming for a freaking maintenance/crafting system and also a class customization system.
This sounds like a bloody MMORPG, and there is a reason I play RTS... because I vigorously hate MMORPGs and all that useless grinding.
You want levelling in a RTS: Gives us a proper ranking system based on hierarchical leagues.
You want to experience progression and character development in an RTS: Give us the ability to track the leaderboards and ladders in-game and see how many ranks with progressed with that last win.
You want customization on an RTS: Give us skins and decals we can buy, not commanders dropping through an RNG loot system.
Nobody should want grinding to be implemented into an RTS. But everyone should want a reconnect feature for a multiplayer RTS.
And if you want custom class builds in an RTS, frankly make a mod and play it with your mates.
This is as absurd as Valve allowing custom heroes on Dota 2. CoH 2 will never be an competitive title if they implement custom commanders. Period.
If relic stick to their guns and designed CoH 2 with the old, tested and tried RTS basics they pioneered with Dawn of War and vCoH, CoH2 would be a gem of an RTS. Instead they want to reinvent the wheel, straying afar from what made the CoH franchise the best RTS ever in the first place; and partaking into the "rpgfication" of an RTS in order to emulate MOBAs.
This game has a serious identity crisis. |
I used to crash constantly on Lienne Forest, around the 3 to 5 minute mark. Seriously, every single time!
Then 2 days ago I played 4 games in a row on Lienne Forest with Kalashnikov and my other team-mates, I only crashed the 4 time.
To be honest I have no idea what is up with this map. Coh 2 never crashes on any other map for me, the game is quite stable for me besides Lienne Forest (Optimization is still crap IMHO).
My GTX 580 GPU runs really cool; never above 58-60 celsius, so we can rule overheating out. Sure it's ageing GPU, yet it still runs all the games I play on Very high settings @1200p without issues at 45-60 FPS and I've never had a single artifact case.
I use EVGA precision for monitoring and now and then stress test it with EVGA OC Scanner. Everything is fine.
I also have the latest Nvidia drivers.
So I guess it's an issue with CoH 2, not Nvidia or my GPU, and specifically with Lienne Forest.
I wonder if it has anything to do with VRAM? Lienne Forest is the most detailed and beatiful 4v4 map.
The GTX 580 only has 1.5 GB of Vram and I run "high" for texture settings. But then, why would the GPU run out of Vram at the 3-5 minute mark when there are no massive armies engaging and only a couple of squads skirmishing? Also if it was Vram, I'd crash on every other large 4v4 map!
Edit: Just played again on Lienne Forest with textures lowered to medium, guess what! Bugsplat and the driver stopped responding. It even crashes while spectacting live games, it's definitely an issue with the map, not the GPU!
That said, there were enough Panthers on the roads and fields of France that were abandoned or only temporarily disabled that the French were able to get almost 200 of them operational for a post war heavy armored brigade. It is from the long term operations of these Panthers that we know so much detail of their operational weaknesses. The French replaced them as soon as they could.
Indeed, here's a short article by WoT Chieftain dedicated to the French Post-War Experience with the Panthers; so far its the most objective account on the many weaknesses of the Panther Panzers. Turns out they were so strategically ineffective, that the French did not even bother with them for the Indochina War, and requested M36 Jacksons from the USA until they got their own national armament industry back in the mid 50s. The Panther was great on paper and if it managed to enter the frey, showcasing superb tactical efficiency due to an exceptionally accurate gun and excellent optics (Consequently very low ammo consumption as most shots hit the target), but what's the point if the blasted tank can't be relied upon to arrive where it's needed, it's better to have a decent allied tank than no tank at all!
Ultimately the Panther was a massive logistical and operational burden, it hampers the initiative of any ambitious tank commander. I guess the Germans made it shine a bit because they were on the defensive in a target reach environment, but it's a headache for offensive campaigns.
Regarding the lack of air supremacy USF commanders, I bet it's because CoH 2's USF faction is themed around the Battle of the Bulge, and as far as I know, artillery, not air power, played a crucial role during that Operation. I guess that WW2 Airplanes could barely spot enemy forces under the pine canopy of the Ardennes Forest, moreover the dreadful weather conditions kept the airplanes grounded most of the time.
Although I would certainly welcome an USA Airforce commander!
not if you have a SSD or windows vista or newer.
also, NVIDIA users, are your drivers up to date and do you have SLI?
Yes I keep my drivers up to date with Geforce experience, as soon as a new WHQL driver is out I update. I don't run SLI just the single GTX 580. However one of my CoH 2 mates runs SLI, but disables it before launching CoH 2, not surprisingly he gets the pink vehicles and transparent houses bugs the most often, even with SLI disabled. Don't think the drivers are to blame, because Nvidia can't do much on their end, CoH 2 is not their product, it's up to Relic to work with Nvidia on tailored drivers for a solid performance increase and an SLI profile.
Just had a couple of games last night and I did notice a solid FPS increase and overall smoothness, FPS were in the 50-60 range in 1v1s at high textures, medium image quality, low AA, high setting for Snow, high setting for physics,Ambient Occlusion at 1920x1200. Need to test some more just to rule out the placebo effect. Also need to test on 4v4s as my average FPS was 30 and as low as 15-20 when things got hectic.
So far good patch! |
 How did that even happen.
CoH 2 seems to hate Nvidia drivers, or maybe it just hates EVGA cards  , or maybe it just has a feud with my GTX 580 (3GB)
My 4v4 buddies also suffered from the infamous pink textures bug, we all use Nvidia. |
At long last the freaking performance patch I've been asking for months. Performance was so abysmal, crashes so frequents, pink kubels and transparent houses everywhere, well bugs were so annoying that I took a 2 months break.
Downloading CoH 2! Hope I see some real performance gains
I fully agree with Marco's initial post.
I sincerely hope Relic takes notice, and goes back to combined arms as a common frame on which to base all armies for CoH 3. Suddenly the notion of a 1940-1942 CoH 3 is quite appealing, and would be quite balanced as most armies had mirrored arsenals during the early years of WW2. No more Tiger/Pershings/IS-2/ISU-152 supertanks, no panzerschrecks/fausts, no infrared STG 44's in broad daylight and all that silliness. Only MGs, rifles, mortars, AT guns, light vehicles, infantry support tanks/SPGs and lastly tank destroyers.
It's wishful thinking to expect them to redesign coh2 at this stage. You know the Red Army is doomed when Peter Qumsieh states that Soviets are not supposed to have combined arms  ... Well can't really blame the balance team, they are just fixing a leak with a band-aid and hoping for the best, instead of calling a plumber (designers).
Lastly I'd prefer people stop starting threads about what new factions they could add to Coh 2. I'm concerned about a Sega employee lurking the forums, saying "Hey these fools want more factions, EXCELLENT, we want more money $£€ #Greed" and later shoving us 2 half-baked factions to screw up the balance and meta even more. |
The last thing CoH 2 needs is more factions.
CoH 2 is about the Eastern front, I always found WFA to be out of place and immersion breaking to be honest.
They could add some Theatre of War stuff, your suggestion of the Battle of Kursk is great and should be a no-brainer for Relic.
Regarding multiplayer I'd prefer commanders instead of new factions as a way to introduce more content and variety. For instance a Finnish Commander and a Soviet Baltic Marines Commander or a Polish resistance commander, all that would be interesting.
The Caucasus and Baltic theatres haven't been touched much by Relic, there's a lot they could add from there. |
Because they're supposed to be a capper, builder, support unit. I still prefer them to the useless soviet combat engineers. Remember that "volley fire" gives them an incredible useful support ability compared to Pioneers or Combat Engineers who lack any.
"Rear echelon troops were often cooks, chaplains, clerical staff, maintenance or quartermaster troops, armorers, stevedores, and military police. Typically they would not often see active combat, but cut off by the Germans from the rest of the army they often found themselves having to join the frontline soldier in combat."
RE are fine. Although, seeing they are cooks they should get a bulletin "Flambed SauerKraut Recipe"; RE squads deal 10% more flamethrower damage, so they can better cook those krauts when they steal one. |