Well I do agree that the use of women as combatants is often an act of desperation. So I was curious, as to why, in the most violent, desperate and bloodiest conflict in human history, everyone used women extensively as either workforce or combatants, but the germans. Now I'm a bit more informed on the subject.
Seeing we are talking about the history of women in warfare, I'll share a few good videos on the subject by Lindybeige (Lloyd, archaeologist/historian). So I agree with the youtuber and Leyawn on this subject. Women in combat were very rare, and there's too many myths that blow it out of proportion, especially with the current trend of using exceptional cases as a way to promote women's participation in warfare as a common occurrence. Cmon, Jeanne D'arc, Boudicca, they were pawns, symbols, they never fought for real or commanded armies. The Amazons are a complete fabrication, a female only tribe is unsustainable in the long term, heck would not last more than a single generation. Moreover cutting breast in those days would have most likely meant a slow and certain death.
Regarding the discussion about the findings of skeletons of "alleged" female warriors. Remember that swords were a symbol of high status. The finding women buried with swords, shields or armour, does not prove they were warriors, just nobles. Actually to discern if the skeleton was a warrior, they just looked for twisted spines (Archers) or extensive bone fractures (infantrymen). Maiden Castle is the exception not the norm, most women buried with armour & weapons do not exhibit any cuts & fractures.
P.S : Lindybeige is quite the character, hilarious! |
so you are looking for good war series?
doesn't matter. i recommend The Wire
Recommend it too, it's the same show-runner of Generation Kill, David Simon is the man! |
Generation Kill is a great portrayal of the Iraq War, honest, without an agenda, feels almost journalistic in it's approach. Some freaking hilarious scenes, other shocking and revolting, won't say more not to spoil you. I've always saluted the USA's capacity of self criticisms and reflection during major conflicts (See Korea/Vietnam/both gulf wars). Europeans rarely allow the the media to touch the subject while a war is ongoing. Takes us about 10 years to let the air clear up, and make a film or series about it.
Generation War, well it's decent, but has an agenda unlike Generation Kill, it's not an honest series. it's true that characters are not one dimensional hero types and eventually acknowledge their shared guilt. But the series is basically filled with the same self pity, "germans were all poor victims tricked by Hitler and suffered for it" crap. This is mainly due to the characters being in their 20s, and not showing the 30 to 50 year old fellas who built Nazism and benefited from it and wanted the III Reich to win. It also portrays Nazis like Aliens, a separate entity different from the characters or the viewers, 'Mothers & Fathers". However, the series takes some brave steps in portraying the Wermarcht's war crimes, dispelling to a large audience the myth that only the SS/Gestapo committed them. Still worth watching thought!
Not a series, but Indigènes (Days of Glory its the English title) is the most recent French WW2 movie that comes to mind. Perspective from French colonial troops with several mulitlayered characters that have to deal with racism and discrimination, starts in north Africa, then Italy, ends in France. The movie is driven by a political agenda though, calling for pensions rights of soldiers from the former French colonies (In which it succeeded).
I've got another question for the historians and WW2 buffs out there.
So March 8th (Women's Day) a friend of mine sent me this link of women's photos throughout history, there's a lot of pictures from WW2. She was surprised of seeing fighting women in the Red Army, Soviet Partisans and French Résistance, also that most of the workforce in USA and UK was female. Yet there are no pictures of German ladies. Personally I can't think of any besides the teenage volkstrum girls pics manning AA emplacements or posing with rifles from 1945 that I googled a while ago. Seeing that the role of women during wartime was pretty well documented for the Allies nations. What was the role of women in the third Reich, they seem to have no role, either in the factories, rear lines nor front lines?! |
It's a good idea. But only if it is vigorously moderated.
The General WW2 Discussion thread had a bad start, due to a 2 or 3 pages long knife fight between two posters. Then it went silent for a while. Took the thread a couple of weeks to have meaningful contributions again, right now the thread is on healthy state. I mostly ask questions on that thread, and some posters are very knowledgeable about WW2 and can debate in a mature way.
Thus I think this can work if people are not allowed to go off-topic too much; and especially as long as the usual SS Mystical Elite German armour Wikipedia trash spammers with their cardboard arguments and intellect of an Ape are vigorously moderated. |
So last week, Paul Allen's expedition found the wreckage of the Japanese Yamato Class Battleship Musashi near the Philippines. The ship lies at a depth of around 1,000 metres!
This is the sister ship of the notorious Yamato Battleship, which are to this day the largest and heaviest armed battleships ever built. the Musashi was commissioned in mid-1942, modified to serve as the flagship of the Combined Fleet Neither Ship survived WW2.
She was present during the Battle of the Philippine Sea in June, but did not come in contact with American surface forces. Musashi was sunk by an estimated 19 torpedo and 17 bomb hits from American carrier-based aircraft on 24 October 1944 during the Battle of Leyte Gulf. Over half of her crew was rescued.
Pictures of the wreck:
News video of the Wreckage of the Musashi.
Another news video.
The anchor.
If you look closely you can see Japanese markings on this crank used to adjusting the elevation of the guns.
Pictures of the Musashi while it was still terrorizing the Pacific:
Emperor Hirohito of Japan (front row, center), with officers of the Imperial Japanese Navy, on board the Japanese battleship Musashi off Yokosuka Naval Base, 24 June 1943.
Admiral Osami Nagano is sixth from left in the front row.
Yamato & Musashi on leaving a harbour:

Musashi under fire by warplanes before beink sunk.

That Graph is a bit incomplete regarding the French Armed forces deployed there. It's the second largest contributor behind the US Armed Forces.
9 Rafale multi-role jet fighters, 1 Breguet Br 1150 Atlantic Maritme Scout Plane, 1 Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker in-flight refuelling plane and finally 1 E-3F (airborne early warning and control) AWACS plane at the Al-Dafrah French airbase in Abu Dhabi.
6 Mirage 2000D multi-role jet fighters in Jordan (Hosted in a Jordanian Air base apparently).
12 Rafale Marine multi-role jet fighters, 9 Super-étendart strike fighter, 2 Grumman E-2 Hawkeye AWACS plane and 6 assorted transport helicopters on-board the Aircraft Carrier Charles de Gaulle.
The Aircraft Carrier is escorted by the Jean Bart anti-air frigate, 1 anti-submarine frigate, a nuclear powered attack submarine and an oil tanker to supply the frigates.
So 36 Attack aircraft, 1 scout plane, 3 command and control planes (AWACS) and 1 refuelling plane. 41 military air-planes in total.
Source: http://www.defense.gouv.fr/operations/irak/actualites Sorry it's only available in French as it is a ministerial website.
A few things:
The German leadership did not aim to "exterminate the Soviet people" - the fate of genocide was reserved for the Jews, and the decision to actually physically exterminate the Jews en masse was not formulated until Barbarossa was well under way. As far as we know, the Germans intended to reduce the Soviet populace to a "Helotic" state - their lot was to serve as a nigh endless source of uneducated, literally disposable labour. Even in long-midterm planning, the amount of "Aryans" settling inside what was to be the former territory of the Soviet Union never exceeded a single-digit million figure.
Reducing the soviet population to disposable slave labour it not long stretch from genocide, and there were plenty of villages massacred during the German advance. Pretty sure the Soviets were not keen on such a fate, death or slavery, either way this emboldened the fighting spirit the Soviets, they had no alternative but fighting, and winning. Diplomacy was not an option. I also believe that the Nazi leadership aimed to force a regime change in the Soviet Union, and oust communism. There was an ideological and racial element present on the eastern front that was not present on the western front.
For example, that was not the case against France. Yes there were horrible massacres by the SS Totenkopf in the 1940s in Beauvry, Paradis Lestrem, Chasellay (Black Senegalese Troops) etc... But the whole French population was not to be reduced to a subhuman workforce. Would the French III Republic have yielded if were they to suffer the same fate as the Soviets? I'm certain they would not have surrendered under such bleak outcome.
Instead the German wanted to humiliate the French, so an armistice was signed, it ended with a political and diplomatic agreement because the German left the French a sour, yet acceptable alternative.
Hitler (and most of his coterie) was literally obsessed with public opinion. He genuinely believed the narrative that a moral failure of the "home front" rather than strategic attrition per se had doomed the German war effort in WW1. WW1 had been hugely traumatic to the German civilian population with widespread starvation (Steckrübenwinter etc.), a good deal more so in fact than it had been ie. to the French or British populace, with the Germans suffering in excess of 700 000 civilian deaths to the effects of the blockade. Therefore, Hitler sought to mitigate any and all unnecessary stresses on civilian morale, ie. implementing just a limited industrial/demographical mobilisation until 1943 etc. "Hitlers table talks" are very informative in this regard.
Very informative, I did not know about this. It all makes more sense now! Still prioritizing public opinion over a multiplied strategic production output was a huge mistake.
Nazi Germany had no hope whatsoever of "winning" a decisive global conflagration given the geopolitical constellations of its day. Even allied with Italy, Japan and minor powers such as Romania/Hungary etc., it lacked the demographic base, industrial strength, and access to natural ressources to ever compete with the Western powers by themselves, let alone in conjunction with the Soviet Union.
Agreed, they knew that, yet, they still ended up doing exactly what they weren't supposed to do... Also Hitler declared war on the USA, not the other way around, baffling. Why bring the USA, which was in a state of active neutrality (Just sending armament and supplies) to a fully fledged belligerent when you are wrestling with the Soviet Bear?!
The German leadership started it, so one should expect them to know what they are getting into. Hitler had made so many gains through diplomacy, fairly artful diplomacy, and bluff and the threat of force that I think what doomed the Germans was focusing on the racial and ideological misconceptions the Nazi were harping about, and that started on the eastern front. Had they sticked to a limited war against the Soviets, the outcome might have been an armistice and some territorial gains. |
Also, at the strategic level, the type and quality of the supreme leader influenced immensely the outcome of the war. Hitler and Stalin might both be tyrants with blood on their hands, but they were very different.
Stalin was a great learner. He wasn't a very good forgiver, but he was a fast learner when his personal interests were at stake. And he came to the conclusion that he was running the army too brutally, that he had to trust the professional judgement of his own high command.
Trusting people did not come easily to Stalin, but he knew that if he didn't start trusting his generals that he might lose the war.
The single best decision was Stalin’s decision to listen to his generals. That's a sign of true leadership, knowing to delegate power and responsibility to competent specialists.
Hitler never trusted any of his high commands, Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) nor Oberkommando des Heeres(OKH). Only fully trusting General Model, dubbed Hitler's fireman, and Field-Marshalls Goering and Schorner (AKA Yes men). But I have a feeling that Hitler trusted the OKW a bit more than the OKH, as he had made the OKW chief, Keitel his bitch (Honorary Party member) whereas Guderian and Von Mainstein were more grumpy back at the OKH (Eventually they always came back into thee fold with bribes). So he progressively transferred more and more influence away from the OKH and into the OKW as the war progressed.
Well, Adolph poked his nose way too often into the High Commands plans,often disrupting them. This suggests Hitler manipulated the bipolar system to keep ultimate decisions in his own hands.
Moreover he actually believed to posses strategic genius (In a military, martial sense)  . Stalin would have never fallen to such delusions...
But that does not remove any blame from the German High commands, they also were bad learners. Ultimately, the rivalry between the OKW and OKH was detrimental to the conduct of the war.That rivalry and bipolarity limited the strategic flexibility and even operational flexibility of their armed forces (OKH forbidding the retreat of entire army groups on the eastern front, against the advice of the field commanders, OKW abandoning Rommel in North Africa). Whereas the Red Army benefited from an unified High Command under STAVKA, I believe this to be fundamental for understanding the success of the Red Army's doctrinal and operational shift post-Barbarossa starting with Operation Uranus. An unified command has much, much better RETEX. |
As the two previous post by CoH 2 player and Death Head point out, the Germans could only shine in short, spirited wars. Which are also called "limited Wars" and consists in taking concise strategic, territorial or political objectives in which the belligerents participating in the war do not expend all of each of the participants' available resources at their disposal. it's typical of the European wars between monarchs and aristocrats before the rise of Nationalism.
I would say that was the case against the the Czechs for the Sudetenland, against Poland for Dantzig and against France for revenge and punitive reasons. So the German armed forces shined in said limited wars.
What baffles me, is that the German leadership, as the aggressor has the greatest chance to dictate which kind of war they are going to fight. When the Wehrmacht invaded the Soviet Union, they intended to exterminate the soviet people as they were considered "Untermensch".Then take their territory and repopulate it with Aryans. That was the objective, and that's TOTAL WAR, a war Germans could never win.
Edit: Found this quote by Professor Christopher Browning: "This is certainly going to be a military campaign, but it is a territorial war for Lebensraum, it is an ideological war against Bolshevism, and it is a racial war against the Jews and Slavs. So this is going to be the war out of which his historical meaning, his manifest destiny, is realised".
What was the German high command and the Nazi leadership thinking?!
They expected to win a total war without mobilizing the whole German workforce and industry into the war effort from the start. Hoping for the soviets to cross their arms and let themselves be exterminated?
On the contrary I think that when news of the war crimes in Poland and then during the early stages of Barbarossa spread out to STAVKA, they were certain this was not a limited war like the ones against France, Poland or the UK. So the Soviets fought harder and mobilized the whole nation into the war effort early on. They would never surrender even if they would have lost Moscow. Ironically, the Red Army was also founded by Leon Trotsky, a Jew.
I'm not that into WW2 history even less into operational history, but I strongly believe that 1941 Operation Barbarossa progressed into soviet territory with such celerity because they caught the Red Army during a transitional phase, thus it was truly vulnerable. The Red Army was changing it's doctrine from a defensive one to an offensive one. Stalin was also worried about a possible Japanese invasion in the Far East, so the armed forces were split on two fronts.
the biggest mistake the German High commands did was never acknowledging this critical point. the Red Army they fought in 1941 was not the same they fought in 1943, they had changed everything from the tactical level, the operational level and all the way to the Strategic level (STAVKA).The soviets thought and operated in radically different manner, the Germans did not.
And so I believe that at first the allied armies, which were caught off guard, had to gain a sense of themselves. I don’t want to personify them too much and say they were like individual personalities, but I do think there’s something to it.
They had to get a sense of themselves, a sense of the possibilities that they were able to explore. And I think to do that first of all they had to survive, and that’s why those anchoring moments are perfect. For the Anglo-American alliance it was North Africa, specifically the Battle of Kasserine Pass/El Alamein And, of course, for the Soviet Union it was the great counter-offensives North and South of Stalingrad. The Soviets were still there, still alive, the Germans, they’re flesh and blood like the soviets, they are not supermen despite Nazi propaganda proclaiming them to be übermen. So suddenly those armies has anchored themselves. And from that point, once the Germans had lost operational superiority, only at that point I think could we say that the superior resources of the allies could begin to make a difference.
On the contrary, the Wehrmacht still operated quite similarly in 1943-1944 like they used to operate and thank back in 1939-41, , they never managed to anchor themselves after their setbacks, nor accepted the grim circumstances, they needed to reform they whole military thought. But as CoH2 player said, German General Staff was myopic.