Sacrébleu when did Angry Joe Vargas get so fat! He needs to start reviewing a bunch of wii-fit games.
He also should start following Totalbiscuit's example on proper disclosure of sponsored content on Youtube. Such as verbally/visually disclosing that Sega paid him at the beginning of the video and at the end of it, you shouldn't only mention it on the description that 90% of viewers ignore. He is still amongst the best reviewers in gaming though!
Honestly Relic/Sega can't do proper DLC.
Players don't like having gameplay in competitive multiplayer games locked behind a paywall, it's fine for SP content tough. Moreover the terrible warspoils system does not remedy that at all, I can't remember the last time I got a non-duplicate commander! Maybe one every 300 hours?
And yet Relic is stupidly missing a great business opportunity to sell cosmetic DLC.
Historical skins and decals.
Where are the Free French Forces decals & skins?!
Where are the Free Polish Forces ones?!
Where are the finnish ones?
Where are the rest of Historical decals for WW2 Companies/Brigades/Divisions that don't sport nazi heraldry for the current factions?
Players would buy that in droves, yet it's up to modders like Georider to do it.
Here, I'll give him a shoutout because his skinpacks are excellent!
1. Free France Armor Divisions Skinpack
2. OKH Armor Divisions Skinpack , Waffen in the East
3. OKW Armor Divisions Skinpack, Waffen in the west
4. Soviet Armor Divisons Skinpack, Forward for Berlin
It's better to use his skinpacks with decals removers to avoid overlapping decals.
I recommend Eliwood's.