- Location of symbols for grenadiers and VSL grenadiers not match with each other.


- Panzer IV J for Ostheer and OKW using different shieldsymbols and not unique enough, compared to Panzer IV G.
- Cover to cover indicator on squad portraits using icon from Fire up ability.


- Smoke bombing run for Ostheer and OKW using different icons.
- OKW Tiger has incorrect icon from Ostheer Tiger in game results.
- Urban Kit for M4A3 icon doesn't give clear information about WP shells.
- Ostheer Sappers don't have any indicator after upgrade with support package.
- OKW Tiger doesn't have unique shieldsymbol.


- Some units, like HMG and mortar team, using incorrect icon for game results.
- HMG 34 doesn't have proper icon and portrait (by James Hale).
- AA mode for OKW tier 3 doesn't have it's own icon.
- Guards vet ability using incorrect icon for UI indicator on the portrait.
- Spearhead for Tiger Ace and Tiger II using different design for icons.
- OKW Opel BLitz doesn't have it's own shieldsymbol (uses symbol from Ostheer blitz without net).
- OStheer tier 4 passive should lose "capture" symbol.
- Shells abilities should get additional elements to be more informative.
- Artillery barrage icons should be standarized and use newest assets.
- P-47 AI strafing uses incorrect icon for commander preview.
- Mobile defence capture ability uses incorrect icon for commander preview.
- M4A3(76) + dozer icon runs out of edges.
- FG 42 upgrade icon run out of edges.
- Break supply lines ability icon run out of edges.
- List will be updated with recieved feedback.