Perhaps I'm the only one, but I think the HE/AP (/HVAP) shells for the Shermans could use an infantry and tank symbol to make it easier to distinguish the ammo type at a glance.
Or at least put a penetration symbol on the AP/HVAP shells like this (top one):
The patch UI changes were great.
Thank you, the logic of choosing these icons was to no spread inconsistency beyween "shells" abilities.
AP icon was taken from AP for M4A3
HVAP was taken from HVAP for M1 AT Gun.
I usually trying to use these assets:





Piercing shots (Jagdtiger, ISU-152, 17-pounder and M26 abilities)


I hope in future Relic agreed to adjust all artillery and shells abilities in the game. I am ready to assist. It requires mainly assets from gamefiles.
The only change i would like to see, is to add some symbol to mark ability as switching ability (really confusing for ISU-152 and M4A3 when it has WP shells.
you can't use the weapon icon bellow the shield symbol becouse the breakthrough symbol doesn't lock sweepers or flamer. So best idea would be changing the shieldsymbol and leave the weaponsymbol to other upgrades.
Agreed, see previous posts with possible shieldsymbol