You could make the Bofors more balanced by making it a copy-paste of the OKW T4. That means:
- Increase HP
- Remove brace
- Remove barrage
- Decrease damage
- Increase suppression
- Increase price (MP & Fuel)
- Take away attack ground
Theoretically, the earlier arrival of the Bofors (vs T4 lockdown) will balance itself since (Bofors) Brits have the most incomplete army composition in the game, and OKW has the most complete army composition in the game.
However, even if you do that, people will still come back in the forums and (rightfully) complain. That's because it all starts with the Mortar Pit.
No matter how hard you try to change the Mortar Pit, it will always remain an all-or-nothing investment. What makes things more complicated is that it is the only indirect fire option Brits have under the sun. This means that:
- (single) Mortar Pits should work (since it's Brits only indirect fire, and it can't move)
- Spamming Mortar Pits will remain as rewarding as ever (if 1 is good, 4 is better)
- Result: Emplacement spam
My personal gripes with emplacement play:
- Brace completely nullifies infantry play
- Thus, the only counter to mortar pits are tanks (too late) and indirect fire (lame, since it's mortar spam both ways)
- It's all-or-nothing. Thus, the defender will feel the need to constantly spam emplacements so that he never loses the indirect fire race.
Campy playstyle is all about who is the king of artillery. That's because it's the other guy that has to attack your artillery (and gets shredded). Currently, with Mortar-Pit Spam and doctrinal/DLC stuff (micro-free repairs, counter batter, land mattress), it's the Brits. (there is no point arguing who comes second. The game should simply not accommodate such huuuge gaps in artillery performance to avoid just that).