Dude, again, you're a virgin talking sex.
You barely left placement with soviets and you think you know stuff?
Alright, lets do it another way:
If soviets are so fine and everything, why you struggle to have 40% W/L ratio?
Ohh right, because you don't play the faction and when you do, you suck hard, which disqualifies you BY DEFAULT from any kind of statement that would be either "objective" or "based on facts".
You're also so self deluded that you don't even see what I type, I didn't said said soviets are weak in this thread, not even once. Some units are, the units you claim to be fine and refuse to prove it. Apparently high level streamers and other players also refuse to show these "fine" units in action as maxim spam and doctrinal armor is all that is used, you use anything else, you've lose, which the ESL you try to back yourself with just yesterday showed at best that you're clueless lunatic who have no idea what he talks about.
Also, I LOVE how you tried to use my quote in the last line WHILE HAVING 40% win loss ration with the faction in question.
So how about this, you stay away from the thread(or any balance thread), until you actually will have more then 50% wins with every faction you want to talk about in the mode you play the most and no, placement games do not count.
Please, make sure you are skilled enough to talk about balance first and in the mean time, let the grown ups talk.