Blackdream, did you actually read the chat log ffs?
VonIvan: the game was not over though
|GB| The H[oo]ligan486: and yes i know vonivan in the rules it says you have the game
A_E: please be quiet for a moment
AE clearly wasn't directing it at Von, but rather directing it to everyone so he could gather his thoughts on what do next.
Anyways, this was the best call that could've been made. The rules were set and were set since this GCS tourney was started. There was ample time for people like blackdream and Dangerous cloth to lodge complaints when this was first announced.
It was also in a sense a literal rematch so no game was "handed" to anyone. |
Dangerous cloth, you do realise It was literally a rematch? Von got his OKW on the same side and DevM's USF on the side he was on last match. The match wasn't handed to DevM since it was the exact same as last one; Von even did the med truck strat that he did last match  |
I think there has to be a fine line when determining which "pro" coh2 players should be invited to beta and/or alpha tests like these. For example, why should Momo and Ciez be invited to alpha and beta tests? Did they win any tournaments or have any impressive rankings on the leaderboard?
People like Vindicare, Luvnest, HelpingHans, DevM, Aimstrong, Shadowwada and etc absolutely should get invited because they have either tournament/competitive wins under their belt, or they know a lot about competitive balancing.
Aside from the obvious fact that competitive players who won tournaments should be invited, there is also the fact that Dawn of War 3 and the Company of Heroes franchise are different games essentially. Relic has a certain vision of where they want to take Dawn of War 3 i'm guessing, and possibly why they didn't invite every coh2 player who's on the leaderboard is because feedback can get a bit distorted if most of the people playing the beta are coh2 fans.
Another point to take into consideration is maybe they invited more competitive Dawn of War 1/2 players than competitive coh2 players(Don't know if this is true for certain), which would make sense since Dawn of War 3 is the 3rd game in the Dawn of War franchise.
There is still time though. Hopefully when the open beta(If they have one) starts, the number of people will be increased, and all of the legit competitive players will get in. |
My advice is scrap the Italian Army idea. I've always supported the idea of adding additional armies who actually fought in ww2, so the idea of adding the Italians is insanity.
To clarify further almost every battle the Italians fought in, the Italians lost or they won thanks to the Germans sending ridiculous amounts of troops, tanks and etc to bail the Italians out. I mean they lost to Ethiopia for christ sakes, and you want to make an army out of that?
I can't support an Italian Army who didn't fight in ww2 to be added to coh2. I do however support the Francais Armee or even an army consisting of British colonial troops(Canadian, Australian and New Zealand infantry, vehicles and etc). |
Hitler fucked up when he decided to fight the British Empire. The most important thing to remember is that naval power is extremely important. The Germans made the mistake of engaging the British when they themselves had no navy.
The Germans comically planned everything but the naval aspect of defeating the British. How were the Germans going to actually land troops in the UK/Canada/Australia and also defeat the Royal Navy if their Navy was pathetically weak compared to the RN? They weren't.
The Germans lost before it even started. You can't fight the British Empire without a good navy, and it's one of the things the Germans have neglected for most of their history. I don't think I can recall a time where the Germans had a decent Navy, yet they decided to try and fight the British without one? EL o el.
That was the biggest mistake Hitler made I think. Invading Russia while abandoning his invasion of the British Empire was also another critical mistake. |
I think most sane people have moved on from thinking ProKW is the OP faction it was at release. Regardless, there will always be a vocal minority of people who will continue to say ProKW is OP even though facts, and hard concrete numbers/stats says otherwise.
The amount of hate ProKW gets has decreased dramatically though since launch. Aside from the usual Allied fanbois who only play as the Russians, you won't find many people who claim ProKW is OP, and if you do encounter them, know that there is absolutely nothing you can do to change their minds. |
DevM easily. Cruzz has a decent shot at winning, but this is DevM we're talking about. |
I'm still holding out for the Imperial Japanese Army faction as the final Axis faction. What Relic says and does are two completely different things. For example, Relic said coh2 would be focusing on the Eastern Front, since coh1 was about the Western Front  Relic also said the USF wouldn't get a Pershing
Too many people bashing these skins for no reason when they're actually legit skins
Buying these skins will be money well spent. |
As much as I dislike harrassment, I can't say I support banning Barton and Price.
Two reasons I have as to why I don't support banning Barton and Price is mainly because it sets a very convoluted precedent, and what I mean by that is at what time does it stop being trolling and becomes harassment and vice versa? Everyone has their own definition regarding trolling and harassment, since Shadowwada and other people do consider what Barton did to be more than trolling IE. harassment, while quite a number of other people don't.
The last reason why I don't support banning Barton and Price is because Barton has done this not only to Shadowwada, but to other high level players for the longest time. I'm talking about the coh1 days specifically. Barton has done this for the longest time(L2P sandbags/wires, constant stream sniping and etc) since coh1, and Relic didn't ban him then, so why would they ban him now?
Another point to consider is that Barton does this to other coh2 streamers as well(follow spam, multiple troll hosts, stream sniping and etc). I was watching VonIvan's stream yesterday and Barton followed him and hosted him multiple times, while stream sniping but it was clear VonIvan didn't mind.
I'd only maybe support a suspension, but a ban might be taking it too far I think. |