It's also interesting to note that Lemon doesn't play 2v2 randoms anymore, since he stacks and plays AT most of the time now. It WAS possible to get a high rank in 2v2 random but not anymore. if Lemon decided to play 40 games as OKW right now in 2v2 random, i'm 99% sure he would lose rank and lose his top10 place.
Thread: 2v226 May 2015, 01:47 AM
It would be a lot better if Relic implemented voice chat like in Dota 2. |
I don't hold any quarrel with smurfs simply because I do it as well. It really is exquisite to see your ranking and stats higher on your smurf, rather than your main account because it confirms that idiot teammates, bad luck, RNG and etc held back your ranking.
Anyone who has a problem with people using multiple accounts to play CoH2 simply don't enjoy fun, and thus should be ignored. |
I can confirm that even if you're a high ranking player you'll still get idiot teammates who can't play the game, all the while getting matched against AT teams. Why do you think most people stack and play with skilled players from this community? Because everyone else simply can't play the game at a high skill level. It also explains how a lot of high ranking players who play strictly random(Including me) constantly get matched against AT's.
If you want to get high ranked, playing 2v2 randoms simply doesn't work anymore, not when most of your opponents will be stacking and playing in an AT. You have to stack with another high skilled player if you want to achieve a high ranking in 2v2.
You can literally only do so much before you have to surrender because your teammate has no idea of how CoH works. |
You don't go out much I assume?
After the AA price shock I expect them to sell it between 15 - 25
Huh? 1 quid is about $2 CAD so 5-10 quid would be $10-$20 CAD approximately which is a fair price, and I would definitely buy a few copies. |
Not at $100 but if it's 5 or 10 quid though, I'll get a few copies. I've spent more than $100 on Dota 2 hats, so buying factions in bulk doesn't bother me. |
I would support USF players having to buy the leftenant since every other faction has to buy the tech on top of buying the units that said teching unlocked. Alternatively, if USF players want their free Leftenant squad, then I want a free unit from each tier I unlock as OKW. |
It was a good game for me since countering US blobs without Kubels and MG's is hard work. It could've been better if you didn't use massive rifle blobs as seen in the replay, but I suppose it is what it is.
Also, this game proves that skill trumps Arranged Teams(AT's) since comm ash and CookiezNcreem are, or rather were in the top 200 for AT, and yet even with their communication advantage, they were defeated. |
Posting this replay to show you guys how to beat US blobs without Kubels or MG's. My teammate lost most of his units mid way through the game, so it was up to me to turn the tide of the battle, and snatch victory from the claws of defeat. Excellent use of combined arms by myself in this replay, and high level micro. |
Really? You fucking posted this? El o el is all I have to say. If you look at my playercard, i'm not nearly as good with Wehrmacht compared to OKW. If I was actually trying and playing OKW, this would've been chalked down as another win for me.
Also, notice how most of my squads die to crits and RNG? 3 man Gren squad was wiped out in a second by an M3 at distance....enough said. My teammate was also wasn't the best(Rank 500 OKW player probably el o el) while you had a high ranking teammate. Good job on this 2v1 man, I hope you're proud of yourself. |