Please, for the love of god, stop using that site for 4v4. As a 4v4 tournament player I can guarantee you that arranged team vs. arranged team in 4v4 is completely balanced or depends on the map.
Random 4v4 automatch is a shitfest of monkey apes that cant deal with the tech tree of USF and soviets. For example soviet t1 players that get rekt by blobs and tank rush because they dont know how to counter it without a HMG or AT gun. Same story with USF tech tree as HMG and AT gun + packhowie are kinda mutually exclusive. Both axis factions always have MG, AT guns and indirect fire no matter how they tech. I have seen it sooooooo many times now on playercards where someone had 60% winrate as axis but 40-45% winrate as allies because of this (ofc the player was just bad as well)
Oh and there is also the 4v4 matchmaking. We (a lot of 4v4 players that I know & myself) have a saying "Do not search allies 4v4 in dead timezones, only in EU afternoon time. You will always get unwinable games."

Are these screenshots recent?
I think part of the reason why those screenshots are the way they are is because Axis is incredibly unbalanced and powerful in team games at the moment. There are barely any players playing Allies because of this fact. Playing Allies in team games, especially 4v4, leads to some very not-fun games and most of the time a loss.
This is anecdotal but I was around rank 300-500 last patch and now I'm floating around under 200 this patch for USF. It seems like there is a lack of 4v4 USF players playing because they understand the faction is so weak. I want to abandon my favourite faction (USF) because it feels near impossible to counter the Axis meta atm because of all the nerfs.
There are reasons why 4v4 automatch tend to favour axis and its because they have several non-doctrinal units that help them immensely in the late game. OKW, a faction built around securely the late game, unbalances win rates a lot by having access to a non-doctrinal King Tiger. Most team games will last into the late game where they really shine unless they are pushed off the fuel early. They can't get pushed off the fuel early because recent buffs have buffed their early game. What makes this worse is the short width maps like Redball and Whiteball that favour Axis HMGs to secure early game.
Since I'm pointing out problems but not offering solutions. I have several suggestions to reduce Axis win rate without shaking up the meta all that much. Here are some things that can be done or at least be used as a starting point to put a dent in the Axis late game in team games.
- New 4v4 maps or updating the current ones in the pool such as Whiteball and Redball to introduce wider lanes.
- Increasing setup/teardown time for Axis HMGs so they can't be relocated on a dime. HMG spam with Pio vision is uncounterable unless the Ost player makes a mistake. Every top 200 Ost player does this. Manual reload makes it even worse because all MGs will always be fully loaded.
- Reduce lethality of Ost mortars so its not as powerful when spammed behind an HMG wall. Which is typically what happens in 90% of the games. HMG wall and then 2-3 mortars. Alternately, restrict all mortars team to 1 across all factions.
- Adjustments to Panther that affect multiple Panthers but not the first one. Such as increasing popcap or increasing repair time or removal of Axis minesweeper/repair bonus combo. Also add repair bonus for USF Rear Echelons sweeper upgrade or somehow bundle it into the Pershing Commander because Pershing Commander is gimped without it. The Panther popcap could be increased by 3-4 from its current value because of how powerful it is in team games.
- Add repair bonus to UKF Royal Engi sweepers. Why? Because repairing comets takes forever without the upgrade. There is significantly more downtime repairing Comets than there is repairing the same amount of Panthers. For a unit that is supposed to be similar, its unbalanced because the repair times are not similar.
- Normalize pen across all anti-tank snare grenades. Why should Allies have a lower chance to pen with their snares?
- Add non-doctrinal heavy tank call-in for USF (Pershing), Soviets (IS-2), and Ost (Tiger). That way every faction has a non-doctrinal late-game heavy tank hero unit instead of just OKW. Again most games go late.
- Increase Ober reinforce cost. They are far too efficient for what they are able to do. Non-doctrinal long-range DPS with a very low maintenance/reinforce cost is dominating late-game infantry fights and is incredibly efficient.
Finally, my personal grievance, a USF buff. Reverse 2 patch changes on the Scott and restrict it to 1. Its so dumb that non-doctrinal Panzerwerfer, Brumbar, and Stuka don't get any nerfs but Pack Howie and Scott gets a nerf. These nerfs combined have completely neutered USF in team games.