Would someone please explain to me what "distance_scatter_obj_hit_min" and "radius_max" for projectiles' "explosion_ext" are? And how do they work? |
You guys may argue about this, but I think I am one of the first people who started to spam Su-76 as a Su-85 replacement. I have been doing so way before the UKF release, and the Soviet tech reworked, you know, back then when both T3 and T4 cost 240 mp and 120 fuel.
To be honest, Su-76 is probably the most complex unit to balance in the Soviet roster. Unless the balance team buffs this thing to a total OP level, there is absolutely no reason ever to build the unit. It is not because the unit is bad, but more due to the soviet army design. The only reason you would need a hardcore AT unit mid-game is to counter light anti-infantry tanks. Yet, ironically enough, the Soviets also got the only light tanks that has decent AT capability. You may argue Su76 has some prolonged AT value to counter early OST mediums, but why not build a Zis that comes with a lower price as well as higher DPS and durability. The only early game concern the Zis has, the walking Stuka, has now been buffed to a stage that can sometimes kill the Su76 with only one barrage. Let's not forget that penal now have access to three PTRS, making it a decent counter for some OST mediums.
That is being said, simply increasing its DPS from 140 to 160 will not solve the problem. This unit needs a whole rework. Making it into a soviet Stug E won't be a bad idea. If they seriously still wanted to keep the SU-76 as AT unit, they then have to add a passive upgrade in T4 that can either increase its DPS to 160 or make it has a four-shot kill or two-shot snare health pool.
I can’t speak about technical part, but if it’s possible, it worth to consider
Just tested this bug again, it still works.
Here is a screenshot VG mounting the 17 per,
Same thing with the SP mounting the 17 pdr.
I remember one mod features an IS-1 which is basically an IS-2 with a transparent muzzle brake. So I assume it is possible to make paint(skin) transparent. Anyway, it will be best you guys give it a try. |
We didn't get proper idea in time about british HMG Team, because german solution didn't apply to situation with UKF (there is no model with ammobelts for brits). But if Relic allow us to add more skins, we will try to play with brits engineer model, since it's very close to uniform of british machine gunners:

For grens...we keep it in mind, since it's one of the most common requests. But it's not high priority, due to this unit already has unique visuals
This and previous suggestions about visual fixes delivered to the balance team. Thank you so much for your work and detailed descriptions! 
Hey man, I don't know if you have noticed post 280 I posted. A no helmet royal engineer + retexture uniform may actually work. At least we know there is actually a complete head model inside their helmet. You guys can make the helmet skin transparent. |
Just want to mention a funny bug I have discovered that may be useful for the patch team. This is something I discovered a couple of years ago. If you use cheat-mod version 1, develop a crewable 17 pdr, and then let any of the german troops crew the gun, you will see all the crew members have their helmet missing.  I am not sure if the patch team could find out what happened. And maybe, create a unique weapon crew model for the UKF machine gun team. You know, no helmet royal engineer + retexture uniform may actually work. |
This is a very cool and insightful post! Thank you. Removing some of the mystery between races does a lot to erase the xenophobia (racism) we as humans tend to fall back on (from 100k years of evolution).
A friend of mine used to say how people from different cultures all think differently. Be it from schooling, day to day life, and even your language structure. It all affects your logic.
When we would work with people from other countries and ask important questions they would always say "Yes". No matter what we asked. But maybe Yes meant, I understand your question and not affirmitive the answer is Yes. So we would go in circles for days. Is the building on fire? "Yes".
Add this to not speaking the same language and technical issues like the shift key issue really helps explain all of the weird things you see in random games.
We need more of this. If everyone spoke the same language it would go a long way to world peace as we would have the same basis for logic, etc. And if people explained their gaming cultures maybe we could all stop spamming "NOOB" in games 
This is why the most important thing Relic can add to COH3 is more pinging options that help communicate / coordinate things like recon, arty, pushes, etc. because many games can have 4-6 different cultures and languages. With NO WAY to talk to each other.
Good to hear this kind of positive comment.
Hopefully, they could add more team communication assistance in COH3.
APEX had already shown what a good one looks like, and I hope Relic could borrow some ideas from them. |
Man I hope that isn't true. Do you have something to back that up or someone else who can affirm your story at least?
I am not sure if Sander was in the balance team. But I have encountered someone called Sander before. Not sure if that was really him, but that player was super toxic. |
no offense to any Chinese players, but you really don't care about anything or anyone else but yourselves from my experience.
Offense taken. Just kidding
Anyway, I think it is a good time to sort this thing out.
There is something a little bit weird when we type Chinese. Our keyboard layout is the same as the US one but requires secondary input software. We may turn that thing off by pressing the Shift key. And you should also know what else the Shift key does in the game. Anyway, if we accidentally trigger that in the game, it may lead to a crash. This is why, especially when playing with Chinese players, you will not receive any response from them at all or, for the best, all capital letter wired messages.
Yeah, I also know Chinese players tend to be very selfish. You can blame it on us, and then we can blame it on our education system. At least in school, they taught us not to trust anybody and treat everyone we know as a competitor.Treat all suggestions from a foreigner as lies unless they are from your supervisor. However, there is one thing I can promise you. We care about winning a game more than everybody does. So, maybe your Chinese teammate won't give a shit about your request, but they for sure are doing things they think that will grant you guys the victory. Like what we liked to say in my city: Seal up your dirty mouth and do your fking job.
This is close.

Thanks, man. I only need it for the prefection. |
Posting this here to show how to include the options and date range which could be very important.

And here is a smaller time span to show the latest patch games.

As far as the discussion of the balance team and other games modes there were changes made to all of the major 4v4 commanders. Mostly all nerfs. That is an indicator, to me, that the larger modes were considered.
The 4v4 stats are not perfect due to 100 variables like:
- Premade teams.
- Were all players the same faction.
- Which maps were being played.
- Time of day the gamers were played.
From the last patch my low rank games were all B4 commanders for a couple of weeks and Allies were doing very well. Lately the B4s have stopped but the Sturmtiger has taken over and you see 1 to 2 every game now. Most games I see where allies are doing well only lasts until about 7-8 minute mark. From then on Axis blobs start to overwhelm.
Then early Allied tanks show up for a few minutes and Axis gets pushed back a little. Then panthers show up and it is usually GG from then on as most players do not make enough AT. Watch 1v1 games and they have 2 AT guns next to each other. In 4v4 I see games where no one has an AT gun at minute 20. Like their first tank will stop the panther swarm.
And if the panthers dont end the game, then the KTs and ELEs finish it by camping a VP.
If artillery starts falling its a roll of the dice who wins based on the shit RNG of the garbage game we play and whether your team mates speak the same language and can coordinate.
The other major factor is late game axis takes much less micro. So I see low skill players do very well with a giant blob and one good tank.
Great post, man. Instead of showing March 8th to August, would you please post a picture showing a range from March 8th to June 21st?
Anyway, just a few comments here. People should notice something strange here. How come the June patch, which seemingly buffs Soviet's utility and nerfs the German core combatant, the LEFH, instead boosted the win rate of both German factions and somehow even lower the Soviet's one? Let's not forget Elephant and OKW cheat artillery flare also got a nerf there too. Right, we can blame Stromtiger for being OP as hell. But there should be something else as well.
And that, to me, is a sign of lack of feedback considerations and ignorance for the bigger game mode in general. |