What happened to Panzerfüsiliers? It does't count because its commander only unit?
Like i said, stck at infantry
Posts: 1660
What happened to Panzerfüsiliers? It does't count because its commander only unit?
Posts: 1515
Meant to write 160+, my bad.
Fact is that OKW doesn't have AT squads that can be a deterrent to light vehicles like re double zook, Panzergrens or RE, but Raketenwerfer is the worst at guns against light vehicles, while being more or less in line with others against mediums and heavies, is another leftover of bad faction design.
Posts: 1660
TBH, RE zooks is inaccurate AF and usually leads to RE bleed + zook drops. If against decent opponents ofc, who keep distance and use range against zooks.
Posts: 43
you need to work on reading comprehension mate, i said that for the cost of a bar you can turn a pair of the least reliable AT guns into a pair of the best, superior by every metric, toi which you replied you cant survive until a KT without double BAR.
speaking of reading comprehension you relied to me a second time without me posting again yet... i say braindead because you are making it clear you have no idea what you are talking about despite your best efforts to reply, you are more than welcome not to, by the way... however you are right about one thing (put it in your calendar and we can celebrate it happening next year) and that is that we are off topic.
on the...off topic... the USF vet is worse than i though and it needs to be brought in line with the other AT guns, nameley its ROF, which is lower at vet 3 than other AT guns get at vet 2 and half in total... thats unacceptable. furthermore, the super shells should become cheaper either with vet or tech (perhaps with the nade tech?)
at anyrate, back to the rakk.....
Posts: 772
Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
Not really, they are more accurate than panzershreck at long range, which is realistically what you are gonna fire at, especially against light vehicles and most of the time vehicles in general, but the difference is not gamebreaking, considering panzerschreck higher pen. What's gamebreaking is that there's no stock option to have an at squad that can counter light vehicles. There's several reasons OKW is strong in large gamemodes, where their weaknesses (healing, poor rwaction to light vehicles, poor mainline scaling,...) are mitigated by size, resource inflation and OST teamplayers and fares poorly competitive in 1vs1. One of these is that the only counters to light vehicles are the poorest at gun and a single vehicle in a single tier
Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1
Posts: 1289
Posts: 176
Just go for 1 raket per each player. Brit will leave as soon as 4 UC dies.
Posts: 178
Posts: 3117 | Subs: 2
The Rak trading actual combat ability for the ability to retreat isn't a good thing for the rak I hope you guys realize. AT Guns shouldn't have to be in positions to retreat in the first place. Retreating your Rak(s) means you don't have AT Guns on the field for the next however many seconds it takes for them to run to base and return meaning your opponent just brings his vehicles up supported by his AT Guns and overpowers you. Rak has retreat out of necessity not out of desire. OKW would be ecstatic about the ability to trade retreat for 60 range because it could do it's job better.
That being said, the Rak is fine and doesn't need to be changed, it's still the worst AT gun of the bunch since it can't zone the same area other At Guns can, but it's perfectly usable ever since they buffed it's range from (40? 45?) to 50 and the retreat adds a little extra unique dynamic that allows it to be a little more aggressive to make up for the poorer coverage.
Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8
The Rak trading actual combat ability for the ability to retreat isn't a good thing for the rak I hope you guys realize.
AT Guns shouldn't have to be in positions to retreat in the first place. Retreating your Rak(s) means you don't have AT Guns on the field for the next however many seconds it takes for them to run to base and return meaning your opponent just brings his vehicles up supported by his AT Guns and overpowers you. Rak has retreat out of necessity not out of desire. OKW would be ecstatic about the ability to trade retreat for 60 range because it could do it's job better.
That being said, the Rak is fine and doesn't need to be changed, it's still the worst AT gun of the bunch since it can't zone the same area other At Guns can, but it's perfectly usable ever since they buffed it's range from (40? 45?) to 50 and the retreat adds a little extra unique dynamic that allows it to be a little more aggressive to make up for the poorer coverage.
Posts: 3117 | Subs: 2
Posts: 956
Btw, just looking at the camo bonus of the Raketenwerfer:
Is there any scenario where the damage bonus of the first shot fired from camo is actually useful?
You deal 200 damage instead of 160. The only way this will ever have effect is two camouflaged Raks firing at a T70, but this is almost going to make a difference in a real game. Other scenarios? Double Rak on dozer Sherman? But by far and large, that's about it?
I think this could be changed to something more useful. +100% accuracy for a guaranteed first hit or so. I'm not saying the Rak really needs it, but those additional 40 damage seem fairly useless, even if you run around with two of them at all times.
Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
Btw, just looking at the camo bonus of the Raketenwerfer:
Is there any scenario where the damage bonus of the first shot fired from camo is actually useful?
You deal 200 damage instead of 160. The only way this will ever have effect is two camouflaged Raks firing at a T70, but this is almost going to make a difference in a real game. Other scenarios? Double Rak on dozer Sherman? But by far and large, that's about it?
I think this could be changed to something more useful. +100% accuracy for a guaranteed first hit or so. I'm not saying the Rak really needs it, but those additional 40 damage seem fairly useless, even if you run around with two of them at all times.
Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8
Btw, just looking at the camo bonus of the Raketenwerfer:
Is there any scenario where the damage bonus of the first shot fired from camo is actually useful?
You deal 200 damage instead of 160. The only way this will ever have effect is two camouflaged Raks firing at a T70, but this is almost going to make a difference in a real game. Other scenarios? Double Rak on dozer Sherman? But by far and large, that's about it?
I think this could be changed to something more useful. +100% accuracy for a guaranteed first hit or so. I'm not saying the Rak really needs it, but those additional 40 damage seem fairly useless, even if you run around with two of them at all times.
Posts: 178
That's incorrect, it has both. Its easily on pair with ZiS post all the changes it got.
And while OKW has a retreated rak at base, healing and reinforcing, all other factions have one decrewed, on the field, being shot by a tank that decrewed it.
Retreat is a MASSIVE advantage to preserve vet and resources you'd have to use on rebuilding it as other faction. It also already gas 55 range, it really doesn't need any more nor can make a use out of it alone.
You clearly have no idea what you were talking about in the whole post.
Rank always had 50 range, it got buffed to 55 and 5th man.
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