Compared to the maxim the mg42 is unparralleld. Soviet and usf need to tech towards it unlike ost okw and brits.
so what if sovs need to tech to get maxim. that tech is free. And 50 cal is superior to mg42.
Posts: 1563
Compared to the maxim the mg42 is unparralleld. Soviet and usf need to tech towards it unlike ost okw and brits.
Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1
Posts: 1563
Main problem with VSL was - grenadiers werent made to be 5 men squad. Vet and stats are made to work only with 4 men squad.
Posts: 1563
The value of the 5 man is taking your squishy 4 man squad and making is 25% more durable. That is the primary function. If you want firepower to ou take the lmh42 as it's primary function is to offset the squishy. Both upgrades have their uses and neither outright replaces the other this is an example of a good upgrade.
Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8
Ok here is a big problem with your assessment.
Yes this gives you 25% more durability. But that durability is worthless unless it actually allows you to do anything. With LMG's you can sit take the benefit of fighting in range where your fragility is not much of a concern but deal damage. But with 5-man Gren you don't have that option. Because not only are you still more frail compared to your opponents they also have more damage output at all ranges(save for maybe cons). All in all it not a great upgrade, it doesn't give you any useful benefit over lmg's.
Posts: 1289
so what if sovs need to tech to get maxim. that tech is free. And 50 cal is superior to mg42.
Posts: 472
so what if sovs need to tech to get maxim. that tech is free. And 50 cal is superior to mg42.
Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1
That's a pile bullshit. Their long range was weaker than 5man-section and their short range is on par with Rifles.
Their defensive stat form vet(pre damage reduction change) their RA was 0.63 which was slightly better than rifles at 0.635 and worse than sections at 0.624(pre-nerf). Section had a long range dps of 3.77 while vsl-grens had 3.1 .
What made 5-man grens problematic was the change to 0.8 damage reduction instead of 0.77 RA. That mean you couldn't easily kill them with both balistic or explosive damage. The same problem that Rangers had.
The retarded allied biased balance team just over nerfed these guys without even doing testing.
Posts: 5279
Ok here is a big problem with your assessment.
Yes this gives you 25% more durability. But that durability is worthless unless it actually allows you to do anything. With LMG's you can sit take the benefit of fighting in range where your fragility is not much of a concern but deal damage. But with 5-man Gren you don't have that option. Because not only are you still more frail compared to your opponents they also have more damage output at all ranges(save for maybe cons). All in all it not a great upgrade, it doesn't give you any useful benefit over lmg's.
Posts: 416 | Subs: 1
Posts: 1563
Or is ost t1 free as wel?
Posts: 1563
The benefit over the lmg is that you have an extra model. If you don't find that valuable enoggh then there is still the option for the lmg.. It's a 240mp squad that gets a snare for free, it's not going to perform like 280mo squads that have to tech for or lack their snare entirely.
Posts: 5279
And that extra model allows you to do what exactly??
Answer this question.
The G43 also has the benefit of mobile close-mid firepower over lmg. But it's considered shit.
Posts: 3114 | Subs: 2
The current G43 is considered shit because Grens have low EHP. The weapon profile then forces you to close in, losing the EHP so that you can't stay in the fight for long.
And that extra model allows you to do what exactly??
Answer this question.
The G43 also has the benefit of mobile close-mid firepower over lmg. But it's considered shit.
Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6
Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
- Gren G43 upgrade to focus on close-mid range firepower with 3x G43, but with toned down moving DPS to avoid blobbing;
Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6
There is very little reason to use 3 weapons in 4 men squads.
One should either use four for consistency or 2 for less DPS drops.
Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
All other G43 squads have 3 G43s. That is the consistency.
Posts: 3114 | Subs: 2
There is very little reason to use 3 weapons in 4 men squads.
One should either use four for consistency or 2 for less DPS drops.
Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
What? Why?
How many weapons are handed out with an upgrade is determined by balance only.
...Gren G43 upgrade to focus on close-mid range firepower with 3x G43, but with toned down moving DPS to avoid blobbing...
If they need 2, 3 or 4 G43 is not a question of consistency, especially not if it is communicated to the players.