Could we please change back the crew of the flak emplacement and the kübelwagen. The vehicle and ost mg crew models looked fine in imo. The winter volksgrenadier looks especially weird in the kübelwagen. The detection passive ability for the IR StG Obers should also be removed since it has the same position as the reinforce button. Maybe it could be an icon on the portrait.
It's more weird to see tank crew members in millitary car, which usually was operated by regular soldiers. Same goes for M3A1 and other light vehicles.
Tank crew model should be used only in medium and heavy vehicles, because they requires special training and seems logic there.
For Flak 38. It is OKW unit and should use OKW crew model (like HMG 34, RW 43 and others). iirc only pak 43 still uses ost models, but i would change them too on OKW alternative.
All above is my personal opinion.
Agree with obers remark, it should be adjusted.
P.S.S. Now M3A1 is my favorite unit, just becuase it looks more essential with soviet riflemen model.