1. Same abilities, not always have same UI highlight (like AP rounds for MG34 and MG42)
2. Some abilities doesn't have proper highlight in general (like mupltiplication indicator of penals vet ability or spotting scopes for Ostheer)
3. Location of abilities and their order on ability bar totally messed.
4. Order of units in the buildings also messed for some tiers.
5. Not all actions have voicelines (this one probably not fixable)
6. Not all vehicles share skins support, even if we have solid skinmakers from the community, who was ready to assist (at least in the past)
7. Some actions don't have proper UI highlight (like call-in, which shows the area in vCoH and even in CoH 2 SP, but not in current CoH 2 MP)
8. USF base, it just bad.
9. A lot of stuff has non-coded text strings for them, so you can't fix them with localization mod. Aa well as a lot of stuff using same text strings, and information in this strings is not informative, because have to match with two and more things in the game.
10. Different design of assets for factions and their abilities (looks like they've be taken from different assets collections).
11. Not all icons are in good shape (that's my fault as well in very some cases)
And that's only what i remember right now.
If i was able to do something with the game in current state, i would have a look on polishing and improvements of UI in possible ways and QoL (very obvious to hear it from me, i know