Indeed, nerf ostwind, so we can see more brummbar use!
Its the only way.
Are you being sarcastic or do you really think ostwind is OP?
Posts: 1527
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Indeed, nerf ostwind, so we can see more brummbar use!
Its the only way.
Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8
Are you being sarcastic or do you really think ostwind is OP?
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Here's the facts of the case. The Ez8 has the worst A.I performance out of all of the Sherman varients. The Ez 8 has worse A.I than the OKW P.4 while having more epxensive Pintle. It's also in a 'bad' doctrine. The reload is longer than other Shermans but the pen is much better. Sherman Ez8 seems to have better base pen than Sherman 76's stock AP rounds but not better than Hvap rounds. However, Ez8 does get one more AT shot worth of health.
Issue: Sherman Dozer upgrade + Jackson is around the same fuel cost but perform vastly superior to 2 ez8.
Anaylsis: Repo Rogue did a long analysis of shermans a while back and he condluded Sherman Dozer upgrade is probably the most superior sherman varient. The Role of the sherman, is ultimately, not to brawl with vehicles but rather to support infantry and Tank Destroyers. The Ez8 doesn't do either of those things well because it has more Pen, the same about of health as Sherman Dozer upgrade, but over all less DPM than a Sherman 76. Couple that with the doctrine the Ez8 is in, and it's clear why people might think the Ez8 is underperforming. It's non-meta and perhaps need some love. People are unwilling to buff it because they believe it will be an over all buff to USF instead of a diversity of gameplay option change.
Possible solutions: Tighten the main gun scatter vs infantry OR buff the hull MG a little.
Rework option: Clone the Comet without crew grenades for a true preimum medium expereince.
Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
That's a really good analysis.
The problem with Ez8 is once the Panther is out it become difficult to use them and you're anyway forced into building a Jackson. At that moment their IA is so pathetic that you're ending on the backfoot vs infantry.
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Posts: 124
Here's the facts of the case. The Ez8 has the worst A.I performance out of all of the Sherman varients. The Ez 8 has worse A.I than the OKW P.4 while having more epxensive Pintle. It's also in a 'bad' doctrine. The reload is longer than other Shermans but the pen is much better. Sherman Ez8 seems to have better base pen than Sherman 76's stock AP rounds but not better than Hvap rounds. However, Ez8 does get one more AT shot worth of health.
Issue: Sherman Dozer upgrade + Jackson is around the same fuel cost but perform vastly superior to 2 ez8.
Anaylsis: Repo Rogue did a long analysis of shermans a while back and he condluded Sherman Dozer upgrade is probably the most superior sherman varient. The Role of the sherman, is ultimately, not to brawl with vehicles but rather to support infantry and Tank Destroyers. The Ez8 doesn't do either of those things well because it has more Pen, the same about of health as Sherman Dozer upgrade, but over all less DPM than a Sherman 76. Couple that with the doctrine the Ez8 is in, and it's clear why people might think the Ez8 is underperforming. It's non-meta and perhaps need some love. People are unwilling to buff it because they believe it will be an over all buff to USF instead of a diversity of gameplay option change.
Possible solutions: Tighten the main gun scatter vs infantry OR buff the hull MG a little.
Rework option: Clone the Comet without crew grenades for a true preimum medium expereince.
Posts: 124
If memory serves me the E8 is omt of 3 usf units that are capable of bouncing a pak shot... Also again, if memory serves their pen is quite high end for an allied medium tank. It's neither squishy nor weak against tanks. It's simply not a Jackson so it SEEMS weak against tanks (it's not guaranteed to pen at 60 range) it's a brawler and one of the best at that.
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u know what, i have time to waste so i will do some test about the bogus claim "worse ai than any Sherman ans p4" both stationary and moving
and with mg or not
ok im back
edit: done some test
the stationary ai is about the same , with a slight edge for the normal p4 (strange i though okw p4 had better scatter might have been rng)
with mgs they equalize but easy 8 is 1-0.5 second slower vs ai
the real test was p4 okw vs easy 8 MOVING
no contest , the easy 8 killed the whole squad while the p4 was about half done and still missing a lot of shoot
conclusion, no easy 8 is not the worse variant for AI for Sherman, standing still is on the same lvl as 76 Sherman , if u are asking "how i though 76 had faster reload" while that is true the 76 has 50% more scatter so it misses more removing the reload advantage
if the unit is moving then it's no contest the best ai medium tank in the game with almost 0 penalty on scatter instead of the normal 1.5