...perfect games...minimal amount of bugs and issues, no post-release bullshite, no need for frequent patches...
Now this is a prime example of memories growing sweeter with time. There were no patches because the developers simply had no interest in going back to patch games. There was no reliable way to distribute any patches either, so the effort would have been wasted in any case.
Any bugs were simply irritating features you had to live with. Do you seriously not remember all the bugs and crashes we had over the years? Several of them were especially infamous, like the difficulty setting in X-COM or the original two Fallouts being nigh-unplayable. I had many games I could not play through when bugs simply set in and repeatedly crashed the whole thing at some point.
And balance? Even good old classic Heroes of M & M 3 was never even close to balanced throughout it's lifetime, not even with multiple expansions put into it. We still happily played the hell out of that one, we didn't know any better.
The whole concept of going back and fixing games or balancing them was unthinkable back then. You just shelled out 50 EUR and made do with what you got, whether it worked well or not. Only sometimes would an expansion fix something in the base game, but that too was hit-and-miss.
Not to mention all the atrocious games the developers had the audacity to lay on the unsuspecting masses in the early 90's. With little access to reviews outside of often questionably edited gamer magazines, you were liable to buy crap simply based on what was said on the box..