No unfortunately the front page has already changed to sell the Western Front Armies.
I hate to sound like a broken record, but DLC really hurt COH2.
Instead of balancing the core game we are basically doubling the game to add more balance head aches.
Profile of Imagelessbean
Post History of Imagelessbean
Thread: Next patch ETA9 May 2014, 15:41 PM
In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: ISU-1529 May 2014, 15:35 PM
Can people stop hijacking threads to post petty personnel comments. If you really want to do so feel free to send PM's. OT: ISU and Elephant is literally all I see once both players get to 12 cp's. Germans have to get Elephant to stop 152, and Soviets have to get 152 to try to stop Elephant. So boring. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Preorder Western Armies for 20% off. 9 May 2014, 15:32 PM
If you want to preorder go ahead, but as I stated before I will wait this one out. If the game is good there will be discounts in the future. If the game is broken (as all prior paid for DLC has pointed to) then I will not be caught wasting more money. In: Lobby |
Thread: Stuka Dive Bomb7 May 2014, 21:42 PM
Sorry dude, just tested it, you are wrong, Elefant doesnt turn into anything while in Hold Fire... uff I was scared, I admit it XD, but as I said: Whoops, you are absolutely correct. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Stuka Dive Bomb7 May 2014, 16:51 PM
Yes and no. Hold fire will only prevent the elephant from firing, not prevent it from turning to target infantry. When it turns the wrong direction it opens up possibilities. Also M5 cannot shoot down this Stuka as it is not really a plane, just a time delayed bomb. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Stuka Dive Bomb7 May 2014, 15:00 PM
Agreed that the player with the elephant will target zis guns heavily and this can be very hard to dodge. The doctrine is very good in the late game and it is designed this way. I would try these steps: 1) Use an inf flank to cause the elephant to turn towards you. While doing this send in t34's on the other side (even on Minsk this is possible). 2) Get either the T34's up to the elephant or the inf, the elephant cannot fire on the move. 3) If you get inf, get as many at nades on the elephant as possible to get damaged a engine. If t34's block its retreat path and fire into its butt. 4) One of you should have some artillery, any kind. Use it to keep paks away from the t34's while they beat on the elephant. Kats work well for this, but you can rely on call ins as well. 5) If you fail don't give up, the damage you dealt is still on the unit. Use artillery to keep pinging away at the elephant and killing pio's trying to repair it. If you got an damaged engine it can only just creep backwards. One of you should also have SU85's or heavy tanks so once the elephant tries to engage the t34's these should be brought to the front line immediately. They should have been sitting just out of range of the elephant. Make it your mission while they are fighting to send a unit like penal squad in to kill munitions caches extremely quickly while all this is going on. You must stop the munitions flow. If you can drop him <40 it will take almost 5 minutes to get a stuka dive bomb. Not even close to how fast you can field zis guns, assuming he does not use munitions for anything else in which case you will easily outpace him. Never ever clump high value units, or if you do make it seem like a juicy target and then move them quickly to draw the strike. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Early game is only portion of coh2 that is unbalanced7 May 2014, 14:49 PM
If you are looking for advice here is what I would say: Get a gren and an mg quickly. Use the gren to keep the scout car at range while the mg pings away at it. If he rushes in shrek it. Do this at your high fuel. Get 2 more grens use these to make sure you keep the points connected. Use cover to hide from the scout car, and prevent it from seeing you when you can so you can faust it. Tech to T2. Get an AC and upgrade the gun. Use this to push aggressively. If you did things correctly you should have forced him into a delaying action that prevented him from getting many CP's. Now he won't have guards so he will have to get AT nades. Even if he has guards creep the 42 forward while keeping the AC behind it. The range on the 20mm is quite high. He will have to assault the 42 with inf. You can also consider getting a second 42. DO NOT BUILD A SNIPER. If he gets snipers get another AC or a HT. Immediately push in, he will have little to no AT. Follow him to the base and kill the sniper. Failing that stay in the field and reinforce from the HT. You will either need to get a mortar or use the AC to flank the sniper and kill it. Forcing it off the field is still quite a big achievement since it gives you time to cap. Consider getting S-mines at critical points behind your lines to keep his car from flanking around. You only need one patch to badly damage a scout car. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Cruzz's fantasy patch thread5 May 2014, 17:15 PM
So...can these just be the new patch notes? In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: ISU-15229 Apr 2014, 22:43 PM
Excuse me, Not sure if serious...or trolling. This is not possible. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: ISU-15228 Apr 2014, 20:55 PM
By addressing the issues you want you are pretending other arguments are invalid. German players are saying they have no tank, infantry, or AT gun capable of working alone or together that matches effectiveness of IS-152. To counter, you and others, have said elephant is OP as if that has anything to do with this discussion. If you want to act like an adult then make real arguments. If you wish to continue to act as a child then only respond to things you like and complain until you get your way. In: COH2 Balance |
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VStorr CaptainDipshit Mandalore TheGuyWhoLikesCatsImagelessbean Von Strachwitz Goldeneye ZymoranGermans are the bestby: Imagelessbean map: Lienne Forest1-1,214
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