Actually IS blob using "assault" are quite powerful and can attack HMG frontally.
In late game there is very easy to move thru yellow cover create by explosions.
Finally these ability can be used to A move and if the blob has enough firepower it does not have to "move" in the process.
Any blob using an assault type ability can be powerful, and when they can stop and shoot IS are very strong with it.
The prevalence of yellow cover in 1v1 late game varies from match to match, while in the larger game modes you will often see plenty of rocket arty so I can buy that in 2/3/4v 2/3/4 there will be ways of pathing to the enemy which takes you over yellow cover.
Lastly, you are right that a blob does not have to shoot and move in order to take advantage from assault, it just very greatly benefits from it.
again why ? u cant sprint and shoot , if this ability had only 25% better accuracy then this discussion would be the same, u are arguing that increase in accuracy are better IN GENRAL for okw in general because they have better troops, get that bias out please
now again IS have better dps ON THE MOVE at long range, cause they reduced the penalty on the move but they still retain better accuracy at long range even with stg volks (as they have worse dps at long range than normal kar 98), and the game has a lot of cover just passing near it give them the bonus as vipper explained, not heavy cover
what u are saying is that since volks and sturm have better dps at close range they are better but at the same time shock and cons are shit with FMR while having even better close dps
You can't sprint and shoot, but you cant sprint while in combat with VA anyway so your first point is irrelevant. I also never said nor implied that OKW troops are just "better" overall, the whole point is that they are better in combination with a specific ability. For example, the advanced cover ability synergizes better with IS then it does with almost any other infantry in the game barring perhaps guards.
5 man RIFLE IS have a slight on the move dps advantage over STG volks only at ranges exceeding 31. At ALL other ranges they are worse off.
Finally I have no idea how you interpreted what I was saying meaning that "short range=better for assault" when I have clearly stated that the ability to keep an enemy in optimal engagement range while on the move is what makes the best units for these abilities-and this tends to favor units that have better dps over a wider range, which is typically units that excel at mid and long range on the move.
As a side note, you seem very quick to denounce anyone who disagrees with you as being biased-often based on straw man reasoning. Makes it seem like you are trying to cover your own issues.