Thank you beforehand for adding the stats of the units.
I have some other questions about the target table multipliers.
If i have a squad in red cover in a ford and a volks squad shoots at them, will the Volks squad get 2 multipliers? The one with negativ cover and the water modifier?
My second question is if 2 modifiers can act on an unit, are the modifiers multiplicativ or additive? So the squad in that ford will have a 1.75 damage modifier if a volks is shooting on them?
Finaly what does the open modifier means? I think Defcover is Default cover, what means its the modifier wich they have in no cover.
Sorry for the super late response.
1. I actually have no idea - I assume only one of those terrain modifiers would be applied. But I'm not sure about it. I also don't know if those modifiers would stack (and how).
2. Generally, most modifiers are multiplicative, but it depends on the modifier itself. I think it's safe to assume (if you don't want to dig in the files yourself) that they are multiplicative.
3. Open modifier is for open ground, like roads (red broken shield in game).