It loses of course. There was a thread where tanks were put against other tanks and Tiger lost this matchup pretty badly. Who can do the average ttk math? I could but do not have the right stats. Coh2stats seems outdated. Furthermore the Main Problem is the is2 with combined arms vs Tiger with combined arms. Here the extra armor is even More significant and tips the battle.
Coh2stats isn't outdated - the last patch with balance changes was on 8th December and that's the version that sits on my site.
EDIT: Just because I feel like it, I've simulated the combat between IS-2 and Tiger at close and max range, 1 million times for each range.
Short range:
Tiger wins: 371105
IS-2 wins: 628895
Draws: 0
Max range:
Tiger wins: 469252
IS-2 wins: 530748
Draws: 0 |
No it don't have 100 range in static mode! Where did you get those numbers? It have like 70. I played last 2 games with KV-2 with spotter\attack ground. It certanly dont have 100 range.
see some stats... (select RAW data)
Maybe KV-2 had 100 range before ISU\jacdtiger\Elefant range nerf, when they had 100 range too
Thanks for linking my own site. You are right though, I've completely missed the half a year old changelog and that KV-2 range change.
KV-2 has 70 range in indirect fire mode, so it doesn't have a greater range than ISU-152.
Its not really the fuel cost that is a problem here.
Remember KV-2 costed 440mp before. Now it costs over 600 in a doctrine most heavily penalized on menpower.
It also have worst survivability out of all heavy armor with only 800hp, yet costs as much as IS-2/Tiger except having considerably lesser stats while not providing anything over ISU, which still survives much better and performs better in both AT and AI thanks to scatter and accuracy that actually allows it to hit anything.
You've seen the yt clip, KV-2 have hard time hitting panther sitting in front of it. This thing was battered with nerfs on the cost increase patch as well as the whole doctrine was when relic kept increasing menpower and fuel costs for everything until it became not affordable for the doctrine.
I know, if you read my other posts in this thread that's what I've been saying - the fuel cost is fine and MP would have been fine too, if KV-2 was in any other doctrine. In Soviet Industry the MP cost is not fine. But it's more of a problem with the doctrine than with KV-2 itself.
As for it's survivability - it's not as survivable as other heavy tanks, because it can shoot from behind obstacles. I'm also pretty sure it's intended role is different than other heavy tanks. So not a damage sponge that can deal some damage, but a support artillery that can take some beating. I'm also not really sold on accuracy/scatter differances - it has larger scatter angle but less scatter distance, as well as having the same base accuracy as old ISU/current HE ISU. As for penetration values - are they so bad for a long range general purpose gun?
Though, since I was wrong about the indirect fire range - which is indeed only 70 - I guess KV-2 could use a buff somwhere. Like bring it's HP back to 960 or increase it's indirect fire range.
But I still think that they should fix Soviet Industry MP income before changing KV-2.
Oh, and by the way, while KV-2 was nerfed 2-3 times (hp 960 -> 800, scatter nerf and MP/FU cost adjustments with all other heavy tanks), it's penetration was actually buffed
Weird that a lot of people say that IS-2 has bad accuracy, since it's about the same as every other generalist medium/heavy tank. |
What range? I doubt that it have 70 like ISU152.
It has 100 range in indirect fire mode.
I think we all need to test out the KV-2 again since we are all using "iirc" for this discussion. 
I remember very strongly the KV-2 shooting much faster set up than in normal mode. Range is just a bonus.
I guess I should have wrote "last time I've checked game stats" instead of "iirc".
Anyway, I've checked them again, and unless I'm looking at the wrong thing, I can't find any RoF changes.
Unless panther will drive up close in which case it won't loose a single hp as KV-2 simply will not shoot.
KV-2 is expensive, not really durable and simply bad and hard to use ISU.
Nothing stops you from turning off the indirect fire mode at close range. KV-2 will still most likely lose against a Panther but it shouldn't be surprising - dedicated AT beating a more generalist tank/mobile artillery.
Also, I don't think that KV-2 in terms of overall cost is expensive for what it does - if ISU-152 is worth 260 fuel, then KV-2 is worth 230. It's worse at some things, like penetration (it's still at Jackson levels) or hp/armour (it's still at Panther levels), but it has it's advantages, like longer range or ability to shot over obstacles, that emphasise it's "mobile artillery" role. Obviously, if you'd use it as a regular tank, it's pretty expensive for what it does - but the same logic can be applied to a lot of different vehicles too.
And again, while KV-2 is fine, the doctrine it is isn't. |
I have managed to kill the darn thing in the time it takes for it to unpack. You can simply walk/drive under its minimum range as well and not be shot by it.
But it is pretty powerful if you make use of its max range against a fortified enemy since its RoF set up is pretty fast.
If you managed to kill it in ~7 seconds, it was already dead even before you got there
Also, if I'm not mistaken, it's RoF doesn't change depending in what mode it shots right now, only range changes.
7 seconds? holy mother of terrible. No wonder no one uses it.
Please, because a 7 second set up time makes or breaks KV-2? Tanks that are a threat to the KV-2 won't put more than one shot during this time. Also, if you are using it properly (with spotters etc.), you'll have plenty of time to reposition if you'll see a threat approaching.
The doctrine isn't used not because KV-2 is underperforming or has a 7 second setup time, only because it's MP starved.
I used them in 4v4, but they cost to much population imo. I was able only to build 3 + I had some infantry.
KV-2 use 24 population, same as IS-2 but it's a worse unit. It's also overpriced.
It's not worse, it's different - it's not a pure heavy tank like IS-2 or Tiger. It's role is much more similar to an ISU-152 than your regular heavy tank.
When compared to an ISU-152, it has less penetration, slightly less AoE and slightly less DPS (mostly due to lower accuracy at long range), but at the same time, it has greater range, can shoot over obstacles, don't have to change shell types and in terms of "pure" cost, it's cheaper.
Again, the main problem with KV-2 is the doctrine it's in. |
You just have to go close to the tank. It can't shoot at 0 range. Even so i don't think also KV2 will win against a panther. Or you need to be very lucky because it is not at all accurate.
It is a fun tank but easy to counter
Once enemy gets close, just turn off the indirect fire mode.
But really, just use the tank as an artillery piece - behind shot blockers and with spotters so you can use it's range. Or is Stuka now underpowered, because it can be killed by a T-70?
Much bigger problem than the KV-2 (which stats are overall fine) is - which was already mentioned - the whole Soviet Industry doctrine and it's MP gain. |
I love how a Panther beats it head on, at any range, without even need to flank it.
Actually, the Ostheer Panther has about 22% to lose to a KV-2 from the front, if KV-2 is in indirect fire mode. |
[...]in exchange Tiger gets 28% higher ROF(5 vs 6.4 avg reload).[...]
Technically, 26,(6)%, because reload isn't the only thing that matters with RoF.
IS-2 also has better penetration than the Tiger - from 13,6% up close to 5,(5)% further away. |
Im mobile, I dont have numbers in front of me, but Tiger has 43% chance to penetrate, IS has 65%. Thats the key.
No, that's not they key, TA is losing less of it's performance at range than the IS-2.
As shown here:
Long range chance to penetrate TA: 63%
Point blank chance to penetrate TA: 83%
It's 25% (% not % points) less effective at long range than up close.
Long range chance to penetrate IS-2: 48%
Short range chance to penetrate IS-2: 59%
It's about 19% (again, % not % points) less effective at long range than up close.
Anyway, the point is - your video about the TA vs vet3 IS-2 doesn't really show anything else than the fact that RNG is a big part of this game, with TA losing against IS-2 at range where it has the biggest advantage, while winning at other ranges where it's advantage isn't as great.
But again, just because TA has an advantage at all ranges (and biggest one at max range) it doesn't mean it will always win. Except at close range rear armour fight - here it will win all the time (because there's no RNG involved). |
So I wonder why TA killed IS only 3 times out of 10.
Because small sample size is flawed? Try performing the test a bit more times, like at least 100 (though preferably more).
Also, from a purely stat point of view, it doesn't make any sense that IS-2 wins with TA more at long range - after all, IS-2 loses more of it's penetrating power at longer ranges than the TA.
TA has 180 pen at long range vs 220 at short. That's ~22% more pen at short range than long.
IS-2 has 190 pen at long range vs 250 at short. That's ~31% more pen at short range than long.
As it shows, IS-2 gains more from closing in. |