Brummbär armor should be nerf.
currently brumbar can run to frontline and kill infantry and support weapon by bounrcing a lot of AT shot.
that is what it is meant to do. late game units, progression, positive leveling.
that is the design.
And no, it cant walk in and kill infantry and walk out like you made it sound uncounter-able
imo it is living on the edge in rank >1000 2v2. it works, you need to babysit and keep a close eye, not at all over bearing. |
cromwell works fine here
the reason why ost goes p4 because what else they can go to back up their 4 man squad in mid-game? brumbar is too long, pure AI micro intensive, and now gets NERF in v5.
reason why ukf skip cromwell for comet, because it is a bigger cromwell and ukf can hold the line without cromwell, unlike ost+p4. I mean if p5 is just a bigger p4, im sure ost will attempt to skip p4.
cromwell fights fine against p4 before v5.
with v5, cromwell is too strong. |
the point i am making is while the brumbar alpha strike is deadly, you need a lot of micro, it can be easily warded off with 60TD. It is needed to counter allies late game infantry and ATG.
unlike the opposite, allies heavy AI tanks are more mobile and posed a lot more problems to ost without a 60TD and small squad sizes.
conclusion further nerfs to brumbar, even a 10 armor in V5, is totally unjustified. after you guys kill off Ostt and VSL in the same mod!
whats next? assgren sprint takes double cooldown time?
just because brumbar has more % to hold up against AT fire?
Isnt that the point of late game progression? |
i cant speak for top 80, but these units are common in lower rank plays and as much, if not more frustrating to counter as ost and no reason why brumbar is touched but they are not.
and since they are less used in top 80 play, a similar nerf to their armor, wont affect top players! |
i find it frustrating.
balance team on one hand, are so fearful when brumbar, ostt and vsl gives allies a fight, that the nerfs bat hit swiftly.
on the other hand, they just throw as much buffs to units like cromwell and FF, that make them more than just a fight |
nah hunt can easily use to flank heavier targets.
as vipper said, warspeed + faster vet + vet2 + hunt
holy god, and people were complaining about blitz or smoke! Ost wasted one vet level on blitz only! |
Maybe that has something to do with the fact that pretty much nobody uses KV/Churchill/Bulldozer in serious games, whereas Brummy is a standard part of OST late game compositions in all game modes.
nobody uses KV/Churchill/BD?
Receipts please. In my 1000 ranked 2v2, they are used as often as brumbar.
I seen top replays using them in 1v1.
You sure?
So my theory is right, less used units = more buffs needed?
But no, the 3 allies units are used often. |
Cromwell Hunt ability should be looked at. On it own it is not impressive but combined with commander upgrade, war speed and vet 2 mobility bonuses things start getting out of hand.
Ukf gets TOO much love this patch.
Not only will cromwell out play p4, the speed makes it harder to kill it using ATG and handheld AT
A straight offence + defence buffs because it is less use unit??
so when is stug to make good?
i guess we should start to less use some units so buff team can buff!
I checked and it was 240 before.
In conjunction with Soviets Penals i think the units is gonna be the Terran Bunker of COH2 at this point.
260 - 240 - 260 - 250, which also effected vet!
range 40 - 35
But it is up against 60TD, this is kinda nonsense allies heavy armor like churchill and kv tanks get the free pass, even the BD sherman too. All these are more mobile/tankier. |
Ostheer changes
Thanks for killing Ost late games, while Allies strong callin infantry are untouched?
Brumbar nerf is a joke, when it has to face 60TD. |