far from yours, wasn't referring to the elefant.
In that case Mediums vs AT Guns operate differently since for the Spotting scopes to be active you can't be moving and vehicles are best used to poke and prod around the frontlines without hanging in an area too much lest you attract AT attention. So effectively using Scopes on tanks generally results in either having a less effective vehicle on your hands in order to have better sight which might be a lateral trade off at best or putting your vehicle in a dangerous position for this extra sight which while effective has it's own risks, while an AT Gun generally wants to be centralized and any maneuvers are often slight to put into position to support infantry vs vehicles. The extra sight range gives your AT gun more operating room without support, better heads up if infantry is coming to pressure it, and is ultimately better in every situation you can use to take advantage of the sight since you have no drawbacks to go with the additional vision.
Unless I'm missing the point I don't get it. If we're talking Tank vs Tank if you stop chasing to get spotting scope vision you're going to have the target leave your range where you'd have just been better off chasing to clean the kill up in most instances. At Guns can't chase so vision is significantly better there.