I need this now. You could even scrunch it in a little more on the sides for better space conservation so it could have almost the same dimension as the Brit Base. Base Sectors would be so much less cancerous to work with. |
So when comparing the 3 variations of standard Grens at the moment (This is assuming balance patch G43's) it's important to understand what each version is trying to accomplish and if it succeeds or not (Whether they're "good or bad" in the general sense is another topic entirely because that's independent of the role they fulfill and can be changed via statistics if necessary assuming the core foundation is built properly.)
So we have LMG-42 Grens, VSL Grens, and G43 Grens.
LMG-42 Grens want to be placed as far away as humanly possible from a fight due to their 4 man squad size and high damage reverse scaling LMG. This means they have no tools for aggression as the closer they move towards an enemy, the less effective they become relative to their enemy who will scale better. This provides them excellent defensive capability, but exceedingly poor ability to step up and take ground. Technically this is a success but given the nature of the game this proves underwhelming but they work with what they're designed to do.
VSL Grens are basically a Grenadier Squad with somewhere between a 25% and 30%* (Estimation sorry don't know real numbers) damage increase at all ranges. This provides them excellent versatility in combat at the cost of no true specialization in terms of damage, but provided the 5th man and free medkit healing allows this unit to stay in the field for a longer effective time gives them survivability. Unfortunately this squad has some counter-productive drawbacks to it's supposed universal nature. Being Grens they really cannot move and shoot so while you're decent across the board in combat, you can't actually move and take ground as effectively as you'd think so you end up just having a weird discount LMG-42 Gren squad that bleeds damage faster most of the time with higher impact model losses, and even if you do manage to plant the squad in an effective place at close range, the model attrition the squad takes hurts significantly more than other squads with it's damage not being primarily focused on it's weapon like other squads, so you end up not getting to utilize your survivability enough to take full advantage of this as you've lost too much damage to effectively stay in. It results in a strange squad to use that has drawbacks that directly counter it's strengths but isn't necessarily unusable but isn't exactly desirable. I'm a bit lost on the point of how to effectively field these and feel more tweaks could be done to play into the survivability and field presence more like with the existing Free Med Kits (Faster reinforce time? Cheaper Reinforce? Should they have a trade off for this? ultimately what those changes should be I don't know.)
And G43 Grens are a healthy mix between Ass Grens and old VSL Grens. They're provided 3?* (I don't remember) G43 Rifles that have the standard insane moving accuracy modifier but barely lose damage at range (If losing any at all) which allows you to use them at distance like normal unupgraded Grens (So you aren't completely ruined at distance) but provide Grens a way to close distance with the damage resistance and take ground effectively with the respectable close range G43 damage profile. It's a welcome upgrade that filled a niche originally filled by the old VSL Grens without providing them insane superpowers. Mechanically these are perfect and do exactly what you want them to do on a fundamental level.
tl;dr LMG-42 Grens do what they're supposed too but underwhelmingly, VSL Grens do good damage across the board but don't have any notable strength and are a counter-productive squad to their own function, G43 Grens provide Wher with an aggressive mobile mainline infantry that they lack in the current iteration of the game (Not counting the Jaeger Command Squad) |
USF - Cav Rifles - Sherman Dozers - Airdropped Combat Group - M57 Drop - Butterfly Bombs
(Could sub Airdropped Combat Group out for Riflemen Field Defenses for Mines probably since the Para's would overlap with Cav Rifles)
OKW - Heat Shells - Fallschirmjäger (or JLI) - Infiltration Tactics - Panzer Commander (or Rocket Barrage) - Sector Assault
(Honorable Mentions: Smoke Recon - Spec Ops Flares (removed) - Valiant Assault (Being Nerfed)
BRITS - Assault - Commando Glider - Vehicle Crew Repair - Command Vehicle - Valentine
(Honestly I don't know here I don't play this faction with any regularity.)
OST - Panzer Tactician - Jaeger Command Squad - New G43's (or Ass Grens) - Supply Drop Zone (This wouldn't be broken in a real commander lmao) - Light Artillery Barrage
SOV - Guards or Shocks - DShK-38 - Baby AT Gun (If you're Penals) SVT (If you're Cons) - Allied Supply Drop (Probably good in a real doctrine?) - KV1 or T-34/85 or some form of off map Ram and Bam, Ptab maybe?
(Spy Network or Radio Intercept probably not bad options but just can't find the space for 'em)
This is a terrible idea by the way, but I thought it'd be fun to attempt to build some universally best doctrines. |
Found a bug just now, between the first patch and the hotfix Sturmpioneer Flamethrowers became mutually exclusive with Minesweepers again. |
Bugs and Feedback and Questions.
--- BUGS
Normal Guards Rifle Infantry cannot be called in (They are having the same bug Assault Guards had before the hotfix with the "Population Cap Reached" message)
Obersoldoten don't fire picked up Brens on the move sometimes? It seems quite arbitrary when and why it happens but it seemed to always work in cheat mod so maybe it has something to do with the Brens being dropped from a killed Infantry Section? I really don't know but something is funky.
Slowing down the elite armored emergency repair speed makes the ability feel significantly worse and that doctrine was already pretty underwhelming compared to existing OKW doctrines. Maybe a touch back 1 or 2 seconds. Compared to the new OST one (Which is great) OKW has a lot more trouble late game due to prohibitively expensive vehicles, poor mainline infantry, and the worst practical reparability of all the factions at the moment. It makes sense for their vehicle crew repairs to be a little above par compared to other factions.
PPSH Cons still feel terrible. Their old vet 3 +10% accuracy shifting into a 4th PPSH really doesn't make me want to use them since even back then they were underwhelming. The trade off between a CQC squad that has to spend munitions to even take engagements and heavily bleeds on a faction that gobbles up manpower vs a straight buff at all ranges that incentivizes you to play defensively in cover (Which cons already want to do). This could be a hilariously terrible idea but giving PPSH Cons a 7th man (Still 4 PPSHs) to ensure they can actually keep PPSH's on target and not lose their damage as easily might be an answer. In cover the 7th man is deadly and adds so much to normal Cons but on approach in the PPSH squad he's pretty much all but irrelevant outside of eating bullets for the PPSH members to close in which increases bleed but gives the unit more staying power.
The EZ8 is still unusable (Arguably even more so now with a cost increase) and Rifle Company is still incredibly bad. Minor buffs to small irrelevant things doesn't fix the fact that the doctrine has 0 impactful things to do, especially with the EZ8 being so far out of the realm of possibility (I don't think it would be bad at 140 still, maybe even 130/135 could be pushed but at that price it should lose it's newfound buffs.)
G43 Grens feel amazing so far. I still absolutely can't stand normal Grens even with the squad formation changes so having these as a replacement is a breath of fresh air post VSL nerf. The only downside to this change is that Jaeger Infantry was the go-to post nerf doctrine for OST and it only got better in this patch which will probably end up being a bit stale very fast.
The Sturmpio (and to a lesser extent the RE) flamethrower + Minesweeper changes are a welcome change.
The Pershing Buff is a "good" change to a unit that had fallen on dark times. I still think it should have some sort of Vehicle Crew Repair ability to simulate a vehicle crew rather than goofy damage resistance changes but I'm just happy it got something.
I haven't used them yet, but I don't quite understand the change to Partisans. They were absolutely abysmal before and it seems like many of the reasons they were terrible haven't been changed. Yet the only benefit they had was cheesing out of a building and wiping things which has been taken away. I don't understand the methodology here. Is the 5th man that impactful here? The RA of Partisans was so bad previously that they literally couldn't win any fights on approach by a wide margin having to rely on camo first strike bonuses which a 5th man doesn't really do much more to help? They're still going to either wipe a squad in seconds or force a retreat if they land a good ambush but now they have to spend munitions and take time to upgrade and still probably lose any fights they actively seek. Kind of strange to me that they've seemingly lost more than they've gained overall.
Giving Sturmpios S-Mines seems really redundant since they already have Schu Mines. If you really want to limit Volks ability to plant S-Mines I'd much rather them have an increased Build Time similarly to how Riflemen Field Defenses has increased Build Time on all their fortifications. At that point if your opponent can slap S-Mines down everywhere you really haven't done anything to stop him in a reasonable timeframe. Am I wrong here? I haven't touched this one yet so I can only make speculations on it. |
But has it really been served? Relic has not disclosed why they banned Seeking. May have nothing to do with any of the previous evidence/videos. For all we know he was running some app that they flagged as hacking like CheatEngine or something that may not be a cheat/hack at all for Coh2.
I for one would like to see lists of people banned and what they were banned for.
It fosters more reports. Right now you play with some toxic ass hat. Spend 2 hours putting together evidence and emailing it away. Never to be heard from again. Did the person get banned??? Why would I go thru all this effort the next time if I dont even know Relic is reading it.
Considering whatever anti-cheat relic uses is entirely serverside that would be impressive considering it can only see the information that you're sending to the server as you're playing the game. Incredibly low odds of non-game related false positives given the circumstances.
The most likely scenario here is that Relic hadn't touched their anti-cheat in months/years so whatever anti-cheat exploits existed were abused by cheat makers for the longest time until someone over at Relic finally woke up and did some research resulting in a massive anti-cheat patchwork session that nailed all the existing cheats in one big swoop, including Seeking. This instance of him cheating may even have been the catalyst for Relic to step forward and update their anti-cheat. (Though given we'd gotten a new community manager it might have been on the docket for a while beforehand and this cheating scandal just happened to coincide with plans to upgrade the anti-cheat.) |
I don't really understand the point of giving OKW Vet 4 and Vet 5 abilities that are effectively worthless in any practical sense since they don't win fights at that point. There is so much you can work with in terms of timing and unit power spikes when it comes to this additional 2 levels of veterancy that could help OKW late game without breaking the other stages of the game.
Realistically, Volks instead of having Vet 1/2/3 combat buffs then vet 4/5 utility. Should probably have Vet 1/3/5 combat buffs (with vet 2 accuracy buff being split between Vet 1/3 with a bias towards vet 1 to give them punch in the early game) while vet 2/4 are their utility abilities.
Currently with the weird early vet gradient of Volks you don't really get a large enough power spike in the expected timeframe between vet 1-3 to make Volks lategame capable enough to hold their own without making them overbearing during the early game. Stretching this to vet 5 would allow an actual ebb and flow of power levels to eventually equal out (or atleast bring Volks up to a point where they aren't completely obliterated by their Allied competition.)
Also side tangent, bring back usable Overwatch Point Flares. The cooldown per unit is ridiculous, and either reduce the build time or allow us to build them on neutral points during capture. These things suck right now. |
You only get A-Bomb is you tech Tier 5 as USF. |
Man, some prime Vipper posting in here. "Adding 50% more AT damage didn't significantly change Penals, PTRS Penals were always good." Absolutely hilarious, how does anyone take that seriously and keep responding. Dude is delusional in his Axis bias.
That being said, Penals feel so much better now, especially vs OKW since it gives you easy access to the M3. You still don't want to upgrade PTRS unless you absolutely have too because you're neutering your mainline infantry squad into some bastardization of an AT squad. At most you're going to upgrade 1 Penal into a PTRS is you absolutely need AT but any more than that and you just straight up can't hold ground vs infantry anymore. |
What a load of BS.
You can do the tests yourself. G43 PFussiliers do an excellent job vs pre-Bren Sections when fighting Green Cover to Green Cover at variable ranges whereas Volks just eat shit with or without STG's, and you have the bonus of being able to close in with 90% moving accuracy to put the Brit on their back foot even easier to really get the highest damage scaling which will absolutely destroy whatever unit is infront of it. Once the Brit player upgrades Brens you no longer win the cover to cover fights (you put up a decent showing though and can hold at the very least), but you still have the ability to close in with the previously mentioned moving accuracy and the Bren's bonus damage over Enfields becomes nearly irrelevant due to reverse damage scaling resulting in the same obliteration as pre-Bren.
Now, that's in a vacuum. In practical situations the ability to close in on Sections with Pfussiliers is not likely going to be as easy since PFussiliers are a bleed machine with a giant target painted on them wherever they are foprcing focus firing, and unless your opponent misplays early you're not going to have more than 1 or 2 upgraded and vetted late since you just lose the early game with their poor pre G43 performance. So yes while they do have the capability to destroy Sections when used correctly, they have their own flaws that can be capitalized on by a good player. |