Obers MG upgrade comes too late.
There is no reason going for Obers early because it is just a waste of MP since you will bleed a lot as OKW.
MG34 should be available at the same time when Obers arrive, so at it would have an impact when you acquire them but without it they simply dont.
Currently, there is no point getting them when they are ineffective once acquired without upgrade.
It should NOT be locked behind "Vehicle Authorisation". Makes no sense, MG34 is not a tank lol.
Falls will always be the better option and Obers will be and I am sure will hardly ever be used. It still would be same timing as the patch before, only late late game.
The change was a start but it was rather meager since there is no reason nor incentive in getting Obers, same goes for FHT but that is on another forum.
It needs to be adjusted properly that it arrives in the appropriate time.
Make the MG34 upgrade come earlier or not locked behind tech since it is simply ridiculous. So there is actually a reason for going last base.
Risk not using lights in turn for using another unit but there is no point in doing that now because there is more to lose than to gain.
If I go for Obers, there should be some pay off but it is simply a waste since not only do you expose yourself to being vulnerable in the AT department but mainly in the AI department.
I mean tell me one good reason why even anyone should even consider getting Obers early at all, aside from being elite?
They are useless without the MG by their time of arrival. It dampens your overall effect.
It is just an available feature that serves no real purpose until you unlock "Panzer Authorization" which is crap really.
Obers are essentially cost ineffective when you just use them without even an upgrade.
What I am stating is that currently when anyone wishes to decide to go for Obers, it only just sacrifices your ability to gain map control over support and lights.
Sacrifices AT strength and on top mainly your AI strength. That is what getting Obers costs you.
There is zero reason to go for Obers when it is just going to put you a bad spot.
Obers should be revamped better similar to how Falls are since at least they have made a decision were they can scale.
Decent in the beginning and better later on.
Not like that with Obers being crap/ineffective (without MG since it is pointless) than start being effective.
Obers by its current design is bad. Starting as
weak & ineffective when you initially get them but once you upgrade them, that is when it starts being
strong & effective.
Obers should be revamped a bit.
Instead of having 4 Kar, they have 2 Kar and 2 G43. In turn for accuracy reduction. So that they have an ability to combat decently efficiently from their initial arrival. I suggested this idea before, but now they implemented this similarly for Falls instead!
Which is interesting but that is what the point was.
That they have an impact which they dont even have currently upon arrival. At least this change would make them able to defend themselves in short and mid range better.
That would be a revamp worth making in order to make it viable. Now it is just pointless. Same as it is being pointless for getting FHT.
Proof of what I said before is true: Just look to Obers change, others were ideas some ideas for their incompetence.
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