Spoiler them or I will invis those posts. We don't need people copying and pasting bibliographies into this thread. *facepalm* You just made 4 posts in 2 minutes. Please think before you post and don't spam.
changed it  well, spamming implies speaking BS, at least i hope not to do so. its just very frustrating to see, that some people dont know anything about their history |
Nice try. I saw in the TV series "Band of Brothers" as an American soldier shot the prisoners. This, too, should be in Wikipedia.
An investigation conducted by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Soviet Union (1990–1991) and the Russian Federation (1991–2004), confirmed Soviet responsibility for the massacres. |
There's absolutely no proof of Katyn massacre being commited by the Soviets.
Rather than that, the whole story was started off by Nazis. Moreover, there's a ton of evidence, pointing out that it was performed by Nazis. It's really simple: commit a crime and accuse someone else of it.
Therefore, retelling the tale of "evil Russians executing tens of housands of Poles" is actually retelling Goebells' lies (perhaps without knowing it).
It's really simple: commit a crime and accuse someone else of it.
the sowjets commited the crime and accused the nazigermans.
if you really belive something different, then you are a victim of 1945-2013 russian propaganda. just read wikipedia. |
As for Soviet war-crimes - you can't criticize something that didn't really exist
you know nothing, jon snow crazy archer
one of many examples: Katyn massacre
there are far more. FAR. just read this thread.
How does it even matter where they did the war crimes? XD
follow the discussion and you will know, what i was talking about. |
To the point though i think the main reason for their protests is the absence of german atrocities and so in a way depicting of soviets as the vilains .
well, everyone should know, that the germans were villains. there are trillion of movies, books, etc about german warcrimes. but you dont read that much about russians criticisng their history.
other than that, good post! |
From what i know the crime was about bombing the center of Dresden in particular, because the bombing target was there. However military installitions were outside the town (barracks, but i dont even know if they were in use at that time). There wasnt even flak around the city, because at that time this batallion was in russia. No military personal or equipment, just civilians at that time in the city, thats what made it a warcrime. However as you said you know more, because you live there Please correct me if i told something wrong.
well, some rails and industrial buildings were in town, but you could bomb them only at day. the warcrime was bombing at night, because they did not want to hit the rails or anything in the city but the citiy itselve. |
You are wrong. Dresden was raided several times by british and american aircraft.
yes, but the americans bombed it on daytimes and relatively accurate, but the RAF did it during the night. this was the warcrime. they couldnt hit highvalue targets, they just tried to hit everything. I'm from Dresden, so i know a little bit about it  |
I see your point. So the USSR first attacked the Poland, and USSR was the agressor. And the noble Nazi Germans decided to help their smaller neighbouring friend and charged the attack on the USSR to reclaim the once used to be Rzhecz Pospolita lands from evil Moscovites, right?
Nope, not exactly. Germany was an agressor ASWELL AS the sowjets. that was my point. im sorry, i dint make it that clear. will edit it. |
Who they?Russian?In WW2?I though what agressor was Nazi Germany.
How about plan Barbarossa and Vermaht directive?
germany was the only agressor? nice joke. very nice joke. ever heard of poland?
Its not Vermaht but Wehrmacht. you cant even spell this name HALFcorrect. this seems to show you history-skills
edit: made my point clear |