Idiot!If you defeat strong enemy,this is not good victory?
nope, not exactly. nothing is glorious about war.
You are idiot?"scorched earth" means destruction of roads, bridges and factories,not killing own people!Its f**king makes no sence
nope, it also means destruction of fields and houses.
Not just october. the whole winter. and it was one of the coldest ever.
You are dolboyob.Order 227 was given when was nowhere to retreat.
If whe lost Moscow,whe lost everything!I said that it was a war to extermination?
order 227 was given when there was nowhere to retreat? WRONG. when order 227 was giveb, there was nowhere to retreat. thats it.
You see heroes in this game?Who is it?Germans?
the main character is a hero. and the guy who saves the main character and his company, they are heroes aswell. they save their comrade. no matter what. and pay with their lives. a company of heroes.
You did't read any book.But he is read a lot more(List in the end of video) well, there is this list. i saw it. but it seems, that he never read any books, because his video is without ANY proofs, at noi point of his video he says: as you could read in xxx on page xxx they did this so relic is wrong. |
For you Soviet soldiers are just abstractions, but for us they are our relatives, fathers and grandfathers mostly. When you talk with Russian about Red Army in WWII, you actually talk about his parents or grandparents. Every, i repeat, EVERY family in Russia had their lost. It was a total war for us. It was death or freedom and every men took their part in that sacred war. Every russian knows history of western front not only from books, but from their grandfathers stories. I really can't understand why do you think that you are able to know more about our history than us.
well, you already told us. you and your parents/grandparents are emotional about it.
And you heard sowjet/russian propaganda about this war from 1945-2013. "less facts and more emotions", that is the worst position to make statements about the truth.
My respect for Russians dwindles by the second. They're literally shitting all over themselves saying the actions of their troops in the campaign were not heroic. Fuck me, if defying orders, knowing that you would face severe consequences in order to save your friend isn't heroic, I don't know what is. If trying to fight the system in order to spread the truth of the war and - THESE ARE THE WORDS - the HEROISM OF HIS COMRADES, if that isn't heroic, I don't know what is. If realizing what you did was wrong all along, and then making amends for it where it really mattered isn't heroic, I don't know what is.
You people disgust me. And you should disgust yourselves. You blame Relic for dragging the name of the Russian people through the mud, the only people doing that are YOU. YOU are dismissing the heroism displayed. YOU are ignoring the storyline because you're too stupid to think for yourself. YOU are making it look like the sacrifice of the Russians means nothing.
And by you, I mean Russians. The uneducated beasts that they are. I can't believe there are people out there so mentally deficient that they're devaluing themselves and then blame everybody else. I really can't believe it.
The Firebombing of Dresden and the Dachau Massacre say hi.
Dresden was a british warcrime, not american!
well dachau was american, but it wasnt planned, these were actions by small groups of soldiers without permission.
Other than that, very good post! |
We should totally arrange a meetup at Panzermuseum Münster 
definetely! i would come  |
2 people raised differently, with different beliefs and culture. yet we think the same about the game campaign.
would you actually be so kind and tell us, which of our points is wrong?
the statement at the end shows just a little bit, but, as i have stated, showing only the bravery at the eastern front would have been wrong. actually there is a mix between heroes and evils in the campaign! |
After finishing watching the video i have to agree in one thing: Adding atrocities of WW2 into the game, which is called "Company of heroes", wasnt a good idea. Thats what Coh1 avoided to do.
leaving them out would have been even worse. eastern front was the front of sacrifices, KZs, gulags, men freezing to death. western front wasnt that harsh. it was more about a normal war, if war can be normal. |
What about shooting german prisoners and raping women? 
 those were single soldiers  i think you understand what i meant
There has constantly been a lively debate in the US, and other nations, about the morality of the use of the atomic bombs. I think that sort of thing is healthy, having this be out in the open and part of public discourse is healthy.
as a german, i have to affirm this! history should be taught to avoid to do mistakes again.
unfortunately, it seems to me, that the sowjet union didnt do a very good job in knowing their history... |
But, if you don't take CoH2 as an isolated game and put it into the context of its prequels, you will notice that the focus has shifted. This is something i wouldn't want to see as a russian either. No matter the political situation...
you are right, but still, the americans didnt do any major wracrimes in europe. i mean, hiroshiam and nagasaki were BIG warcrimes, but those are pacific. |
Actually the soviets didn't have the doctrine of "sacrificing millions of soldiers to stop the German advance" human waves don't work ,ww1 taught that. They were used early in the war because the soviets were desperate to brake out of pockets.
so they had this doctrine. not during the full war, but still.
If you think winter is the only thing that stopped the German advance you might want to brush up on you're history.
it was not the only thing, but it was a major factor.
Your attempt to separate the S from the Heer is futile they both committed war crimes, but so did the Svoiets, Americans, and British.
i just wanted to say, that only ss had this "do not retreat"-doctrin
Order 227 was extremely unpopular was never really enforced, blocking detachments were often made of of the worst soldiers and they were out numbered and could not enforce and entire soviet division and so were ineffective. Oh and it was repealed in 1943. As a matter in fact you were most likely sent to a penal battalion then to be shot under 227.
well, order 227 was existing.
also he is pissed that after the soldiers saved the officer (a major I might add) the commissar shot one of them and ordered the others shot.
yeah, but i think, that this is quite senseful. leaving your place is a major danger!
he might be right in one or two cases, but overall he is completely wrong! |
I have to admit, even though the video is trying to draw things in the opposite direction in an exaggerated way, there are a few points that are true. I can at least understand why russians might feel offended to some extend.
why might they feel offended? fact is, that this is a correct portray of a SMALL part of WW2. no need to be offended. its just that after 45 years of sowjetish propaganda about this war (and keep in mind, that propaganda still goes on with putin) most russians dont seem to know that much about their history. |