I like Call-in Vehicles but it should be like COH 1 style. There should be no Fuel requirements, only with Manpower you can call it.
I think that is an important point. The high manpower costs in vcoh meant that call-ins were more costly i feel. In Coh 2 the fuel cost rarely stopped me from getting a call-in, which is why pressing the panic button in form of a call-in was pretty much always the right choice, because there was still enough MP for reinforcements and such. |
it really looks promising, the improvements are really nice. Some minor stuff but i'm pretty sure that this will be fixed.
When compared to early coh2 this looks much better. Anyone remember Blizzards? ....
So I'm getting an average of 44 FPS in the performance test. If I turn all the graphic settings down to their lowest, it only bumps it up to 47 FPS. I find that really strange.
maybe a bit late to the party, but anyway:
If you turn down the graphic settings and the fps remains the same, your CPU is the most likely problem.
Try running the game in 720p and if the cpu is indeed the problem, it should still run at the same fps. But a return is not ill-advised anyway, 8 gigs in 2022 is just not enough... |
I'm sorry if my post lacks more technical information such as benchmark tests and accurate FPS measurements. Shoot me the software to run those and I'll be happy to update
MSI Afterburner is the tool for the job! Enable the ingame overlay and let it show you cpu and gpu usage, temperature, ram usage, FPS, maybe vram |
OKW should be tungsten 
ugh, that would get EXPENSIVE
the molds alone that would be able to withstand that temperatures, the energy needed to heat it up, ....
ready for a 10k $ OKW tungsten bundle?  |
It seemed to me a true collectors item for any CoH fan, and it seems like the gameplay will be fun too.
yeah, and even if it turns out to be bad gameplay, one can show off the full collection
I wanted the metal one but I just can't justify all that money.
the metal version is too expensive, especially if you consider that OKW won't be metal probably.
it seems like they out even more time into cyberpunk than into witcher 3 and that was a great game already
additionally CDPR is probably the only developer i would still preorder from, so yeah, i'm hyped  !! |
Moments ago the Kickstarter campaign for the CoH boardgame ended with full success
Link to Kickstarter
Who of you have backed it as well? Which bundle did you go for and which stretchgoals are you looking forward to?
I got the OKW Collectors Bundle for myself, and am looking forward to painting the stuff myself  |
sure, let's add all the Radeon cards released in the last 10 years as well, and you have a poll with 50+ options 
well, i hope for people to be able to select the nvidia option that is closest in computing power to your gpu
all in all might be 10 options or so, which si reasonable
if i change the setting a little bit like medium it will die, the game optimization is bad
i do not doubt that, nonetheless your computer is better than the one recommended by relic
please suggest me your thought.
this game is in my experience quite heavy on the gpu, therefore i would concentrate on that
poll then would be
GPU power level: