Well when 90% of the commanders that get reworked become batshit OP, might as well make another op one.
Commanders are only OP when you compare them to each other and how they interact within each faction.
Let’s just say that all commanders are very, very strong and give the player a huge advantage by using them. Well if they are ALL OP then it’s not really a problem because then the only UP option is to not pick a commander at all.
I agree with your sentiment. Newer commanders do offer a lot more than the older ones, which has caused “power creep” over time.
Put simply, there is a problem: not all commanders are equal.
Solution 1: nerf strong commanders down to to the weakest commander’s level.
Solution 2: buff weak commanders up to the stronger commanders level.
Option 3: do neither, and accept that some commanders are better than others.
Awesome option 4: have AE host a tournament where commander vetos are allowed so that OP commanders get kicked out and less OP commanders get thrown into the fray at a high stakes, high skill tournament where top level players can show off strategies for using non meta commanders. Then collect data on commander veto and commander choice ratios to determine which commanders need a review. If it gets vetoed, it’s OP. If it never gets picked even when other stuff gets vetoed, then it’s UP.