im talking about a video game, not the big brother house.
i kinda understand that wamanses arent overly interested in RTS set during WW2 though
and the problem you describe is due to the fact that intersex barracks turn into charge free brothels withing a fortnite
It is centanly true what you say about the free brothels being establisht overnight. I specificly left that out.
I am talking about how it effects the normal day to day stuff and interactions in my experience.
At one time i had a group of friends all gamers have lan parties etc get together to game. That lasted until the guy who arranged bassicly everything got involved with a women that some1 else brought in.
Within a few months the group fell apart.
She begang to act like a boss because off the status she percieved she had. She promoted her self to assistent ceo. Turning those who agree with her against those that didnt. All in the span off a few months.
She immidiatly becomes a focus. Gets undeserved special treatment. Making her become entitled/feel special. The pro women quota's programs advantidges given too them only amplify this.
We have plenty off examples world wide when women or women issues get in male hobbies busnisses etc getting wrecked or seud shortly after. Looking at us boyscouts as a prime example here. Gaming is already in their sights. Women already have special treatment in every way shape and form. And still they are victims in every way shape or form.