people are getting tired of the light vehicle power creep. "fixing" the 222 mg is just going to add to it. the vanilla 222 "works" because it's mostly a defensive vehicle. It keep the wehr alive by killing other vehicle but doesn't dominate infantry (except the brits).
in addition, if you look at the 222 coaxial dps (chart below), you would notice that the 222 have ~20 dps at close range. that's a lot of dps.
Listen bud, I don't need any specialist's far fetched opinion, if assymetrical balanced worked the mortar wouldn't have been added at all, just like the MG34.
Plus it's not the mortar itself it was Relic's shitty implementation of it, I should know as it worked fine and didn't have anything near these problems in the preview.
Before the war spoils patch you could stack them for a 21% range increase (+4.2), which isn't as ineffective. Might that be why Molotov bulletins seemed more effective?
Comet is not doctrinal but it gets locked out if you go Anvil so you might not always meet it when playing against a Brit player, I've seen a lot of Anvil played recently and the Churchill getting more use after it's resource decrease so yeah.
For a more generalist tank that costs a bit more than both Wehr and OKW Panther I THINK it's ok, and again, may be locked out, unlike both of the Panthers, which you can get as long as you tech up to the last tier.
But yeah if not for the OKW Panther I can agree on the Wehr one needing some special treatment in the buff department cause it's lacking all around, I haven't tried spamming StuGs in it's place YET but I might as well next time I played Wehr, in a few years, lol.
Katitof is right, mortar pits need longer range to deal with mobile indirect fire. Otherwise you could not build mortar pits at all.
There are many better ways to implement the mortar pit than currently which is just a no-brain unit designed to be entirely ignored by the player. Occasionally they need to hit brace.
All Brit emplacements need to be looked at in my opinion.
Mortar pit gets replaced by a mobile 3-inch mortar team, emplacement gets turned into a garrisonable structure like the trench that can accommodate 2 mortars instead of 1 like the trench, problem solved.
Nobody builds 17 pounders because of it's pop cap, mostly, the other 2 problems being it's price and size.
What do you suggest for the Bofors? It already locks out the AEC Mk. III, needs to be built and has a now nerfed suppression barrage, what else is there? At least I don't see as much whine topics about it as before the nerf.
I mean really, what do you do with it? It's a 360 degree platform that can fire on both air and land targets like the Flak 88 in CoH, except it costs 280 man power and 30 fuel and is in an emplacement (unlike the 88 which was a lone gun) and cannot be decrewed, and more nerfs and it's going to be useless while it already is if not properly supported, and the Brit player already has less shit to rely on in terms of numbers so making it even shittier and adding even more need to babysit it would put even more strain on the UKF man power.
Emplacements were made so because of the British low numbers high man power, mostly static and powerful units meant to hold the line, if they lose their powerful static units without a cost decrease and buff to or replacement with more mobile units they become a very ineffective Army, much more than OKW is now.
To make the 45mm able to garrison I had to change the ebps file extension 'holdable' from 'hold_large_gun' to 'hold_heavy_machine_gun'. The raketenwerfer shares this value and is what makes it capable of both being garrisoned and retreating. It's also why I'm not sure if I can change the kind of arc the 45mm (or raketenwerfer) has while inside buildings either. Essentially the engine thinks the entity is an MG, but it is still using the ATG weapon.
(I had another weird issue where the 45mm was unrecrewable, but I think that was a glitch in the mod more than anything since I had to repopulate the capture_squad_blueprint value for each faction.)
The MG issues for both WFA factions is, in my opinion, a greater design issue. I think the problem that lies in there is that OKW and USF have one less tier than EFA. When you have Infantry, Support Weapons, Light Vehicles and Tanks, Medium Tanks and Tank Destroyers, and finally Artillery and Heavies, all crammed into three tiers and an HQ there's always going to be a block of units that just are ill-timed.
I have explored this issue multiple times in different mods and such, and making the MG34 t0 (it kind of already is) just gives OKW such a stacked arsenal from their HQ. Cramming more units into faction HQs I don't think is the best answer. I'd want to see some good discussion on the matter.
As far as the Brit mortar and emplacement change... Hasn't that Svanh already built a fantastic rendition of exactly what you're describing?
My goal here isn't to completely revamp the game, but rather give a few of the more well argued and discussed points a chance to be seen ingame. There's a lot of design implications and overall faction functionality that would be messed with by those changes.
Hm, that would be interesting. That ability used to be ridiculous, but I've hardly used it since it was nerfed to hell and back. I wonder how that would function on something like the 45mm.
I did end up buffing the scatter though, or rather, I realized I hadn't matched all the scatter values from the T70 originally. The 45mm should be much more reliable in hitting its target now.
I still think that a .30 would have been better than the useless until the buff .50 but ok, whatever.
As for the MG34, I won't repeat myself for the 5th or 6th time but alright, I respect your opinion as it's your mod, not mine.
As far as the Brit mortar goes, yes, that's why I said I can give you the way he gave me to make it if you're having trouble making it yourself, I think it's one of the highly debated topics you were talking about here and that's why I suggested it. I believe that the more mods have it and the more people try it out, the better chance we'd get of Relic actually looking into it and fixing as it stands now if they buff the LeiG, having this big ass static 400 man power emplacement that needs to be either garrisoned or near a FA in order to be fully effective is going to become a huge problem as with the nerf to the Bofors suppression barrage and if Relic so decide to add smoke to the LeiG that would mean 2 LeiGs could cover a whole infantry assault on a/the Bofors emplacement and/or the vickers in the house/trench covering the Mortar pit, so a mobile variant that has to option to be garrisoned either in a trench or the emplacement is better to both more mobile orientated British players like me most of the time and the Axis Armies which are still complaining that it's a pain to deal with albeit a little less now due to unknown reasons, maybe they got fed up and stopped posting/playing, maybe they adapted as they should finally, I don't know.
But still, having a static in-direct fire unit is bad for both the receiving and ordering end and in general game design, while I can argue that as far as their 2 other emplacements go, the Bofors locks out the AEC MKIII and has now a nerfed suppression barrage as I already mentioned and can easily be dealt with while it has an alternative in the form of the Centaur AA tank while the 17 pounder which nobody is using right now because of it's huge size, resource dump and pop cap, has an alternative which you can find in the Firefly, a more mobile one in the Achilles IF they ever add that to the game, while the poor mortar pit has no alternative, I don't really consider the land mattress being a suitable alternative, coming mid to late game, costing fuel and generally being slower than a mortar, not to mention being doctrinal and costing much more than a mortar which is some cases would be wayyy more effective.
Because OKW being 90% ost copy is unacceptable!
It needs to be reskinned ost in 100%
You got a better idea? Kubel has no suppression, Flak HF is shit, what else does the OKW have that deals suppression (except for the HQ Flak) that also comes in early game and is mobile?
This isn't some fanboyism from my side, we're talking about a key element of an Army.
Plus it's not my problem Relic designed them like this, the PE provided enough variety in a German Army in CoH with their vehicles, I still have no problem using the 250 Half-track there with my PGs as an effective suppression platform.
Especially the mortar HF, I love that thing with it's flame rounds.
Edit: Not to mention that the MG34 is shit compared to the MG42 while it shouldn't be so but whatever it takes for ASS-ymetrical balance.
Sturmpioneers get 2 shrecks or a new 5 man squad that's around 260-270/280 man power that can upgrade to double shrecks (Panzerjagers) seems reasonable for me, really shrecks on Sturms are a really large waste right now with the Raketen being ineffective as many people have already mentioned.
ISG needs smoke and a buff.
Does anybody even still make Obers?
The HQ Flak truck I think still damages tanks, albeit slower than it would infantry.
The British Forward Assembly is actually 250 man power, no idea why, the Forward Retreat point upgrade is 200 so yeah, it doesn't make sense since the OKW Med HQ is 200 man power and 15 fuel, couple that with 300 man power for the retreat point and 150 for the medics along with 15 fuel it's a hell of a resource sink and waste if the enemy find it since it's static unlike the British HQ trucks from the first game which can just pack up and move.
Flak HT is useless and is the reason the MG34 was added by the default, because with the removal of the suppression from the Kubel, they lacked a proper suppression platform.
Speaking of the MG34, it needs to be Tier 0, period.
How did you give the ability to the 45mm to garrison and please consider giving the Brits a mobile mortar while making the emplacement a garrisonable one.
Also please consider making the MG34 Tier 0.
If you're having trouble with the emplacement I can forward what Svanh told me to make it.
Mills Bombs have 20 range so 7% is an increase of 1.4. You'd need a 25-50% range increase to make them useful. I'm still not sure why Relic made Mills Bombs a side upgrade.
I'm not sure but I think the motov range bulletin was more useful than this, I mean, I could see the range increase compared to this.