Maybe finally relic should make some team of coh2 fans that could create balance patches (aproved by relic and normally downloaded ), mainly fixing bugs and unintended behavior.
This group should consider mostly from coders like bud, cruzzi, miraglefla etc etc etc, strategists like me, ciez, sturmpanzer, cookiez and more, and at last from top tier players like luv, helping hans, DevM,Vasten,VIvan etc etc that can look at balance from different angle.
Sorry for all I didnt mention, there would be so many candidates ...
This team then would look at all game problems found and posted on .org and then after productive disscusions fix them
You do realize that would be pretty close to impossible, right?
Firstly, you got Relic and balance, those 2 don't go well hand in hand.
Secondly, a fan modding team would be fixing Relic's bullshit, how would that sound on their resume?
Thirdly, don't confuse modders with comp players such as yourself, you have no idea how the game engine works unlike the modder and you will have conflicting ideas and decisions on how to do things.
In the end, a fan team of modders would be the only viable option, that team could very well be just one person, miraglefla (sorry dude but I still can't pronounce your name) for example, the more modders, the more conflicting ideas and decisions like I already said.
Not to mention payment, who likes to work for free?
And lastly, your idea of a patch would be heaven for comp players such as yourself but hell for the rest of the CoH 2 community such as myself who out number you a hell of a lot to less, just because these people don't want their voices heard over on these or the official forums doesn't mean they don't exist and that they will be happy with any comp changes made to the game.